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Baby development at 7 months


The 7-month-old baby is already beginning to be interested in other children's games and to pay attention to two people at the same time. He likes to stay on his lap and move from one lap to the next, among people he knows because at this stage he is already becoming more shy and afraid of strangers.

At this stage the baby changes his mood very easily and can cry or laugh while playing with others. If the baby has not yet sat down, it is likely that he will learn to sit by himself now and if he has not yet begun to crawl, he may be able to crawl on the floor to achieve what he wants.

Now he has discovered his nose, ears and genitals and can be very upset and irritated when he is hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, does not use very strong light, noises, does not like very loud music, nor radio or television at a very high volume.

Baby weight at 7 months

Boys Girls
Weight 8.6 kg 7.7 kg
Height 66 cm 65 cm
Head size 44 cm 43 cm
Thorax perimeter 44 cm 43 cm
Monthly weight gain 450 g 450 g

Baby sleep at 7 months

The 7-month-old baby should sleep, on average, 14 hours a day, divided into 2 naps: one for 3 hours in the morning and one in the afternoon. However, the baby can sleep when and how much he wants, as long as he takes at least one nap a day. In the morning, the baby may wake up before his parents, but he can rest for a while.

The breastfeeding baby usually sleeps well, but the baby fed with adapted cow's milk may experience insomnia and restlessness. To help your 7-month-old baby sleep, you can give the baby a warm bath, tell him a story, or put on soft music.

Baby development at 7 months

Usually the baby with 7 months of life already sits alone and leans forward. It starts to crawl or crawls towards something and may be embarrassed when it is with strangers. The 7-month-old baby has a change in mood and discovers his nose, ears and genital organ.

If the baby is not crawling alone, here's how to help: How to help the baby crawl.

The development of the baby at 7 months is related to him being able to move by himself, crawling, crawling or rolling towards some distant object.

The 7-month-old baby is already able to reach, pick up objects and transfer them by hand. He cries loudly, screams and starts to make sounds of some vowels and consonants, forming syllables like "give-give" and "shovel-shovel".

At 7 months of age, two more teeth appear, the lower central incisors and, at the end of this month, the baby begins to develop its memory.

See when your baby may have hearing problems at: How to identify if the baby does not hear well.

See in the video below what you can do to encourage your baby to develop better at this stage:

Play for baby with 7 months

The ideal toys for the 7-month-old baby are a cloth, rubber or plastic bug, because at this age the baby bites everything and, therefore, likes toys that he can hold, bite and hit. At this stage the baby also begins to want to participate in other children's play.

The baby tends to imitate everything that people around him do, so a good game for him is to clap his hands on a table. If an adult does this, in a few moments he will do the same thing.

Baby feeding at 7 months

Baby feeding at 7 months is very important and, at this stage, lunch should consist of:

  • Baby food with ground or shredded meat; Cereals and vegetables mashed with a fork and not passed in a blender; Fruit mashed or cooked as a dessert.

At 7 months, the baby already wants to actively participate in meals, wants to pick up pieces of food, hold, lick and smell the food, so parents need to be patient if the baby tries to eat alone.

It is also natural that the baby, while adapting to the new diet, does not eat very well during meals. But it is not advisable to offer food during breaks, so that the baby is hungry and can eat with quality at the next meal. Learn other tips for Feeding the baby with 7 months.

Baby development at 7 months