Home Pregnancy Insomnia in pregnancy: know how to avoid

Insomnia in pregnancy: know how to avoid


To avoid insomnia during pregnancy, it is recommended that the pregnant woman avoid frequenting very noisy and bright environments at night, do activities that promote relaxation, such as yoga or meditation, and lie down every day at the same time to create a sleep routine, the that facilitates the relaxation of the body.

Insomnia in pregnancy is more common in the third trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes, however the fact that the belly is already bigger and there is discomfort and difficulty in finding a comfortable position at bedtime, for example, can also cause insomnia.

How to fight insomnia in pregnancy

To combat insomnia in pregnancy, which is more common in the third trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended that the woman adopt some habits, such as:

  • Avoid sleeping during the day, even if you are tired and sleepy, as this can lead to or worsen insomnia at night; Lie down at the same time every day to create a sleep routine that will facilitate the body's relaxation; Sleeping on your side, preferably by placing a pillow between your legs and supporting your neck on another pillow, as insomnia in pregnancy is often caused by the fact that the pregnant woman tries to find a comfortable sleeping position; Practicing Yoga or meditation to relax the body, because anxiety, which is usually present in pregnancy is one of the causes of insomnia in pregnancy; Have the last meal at least 1 hour before bedtime, giving preference to foods that favor sleep, such as milk, rice or bananas, for example avoiding foods that are difficult to digest, such as spicy foods, condiments or fried foods, for example, because ingestion these foods are stimulating and make it difficult to induce sleep; Take a shower with warm water before going to sleep to relax your body; Avoid frequenting very noisy and bright places at night, such as shopping malls; Avoid watching television, being at the computer or cell phone after dinner so as not to stimulate the brain; Drink a calming tea, such as lemon balm or chamomile tea, for example, or a passion fruit juice 30 minutes before going to sleep to relax your body and help promote sleep; Use a small lavender pillow that can be heated in the microwave and always sleep with it close to the face or put about 5 drops of lavender essential oil on the pillow, as lavender induces sleep, helping to reduce insomnia.

In addition, it is important that women have healthy eating habits and practice physical activity as recommended by the obstetrician, as this way it is possible to fight insomnia effectively. Insomnia during pregnancy can be treated with medication, however, its use should only be done under the guidance of the obstetrician who accompanies the pregnancy.

Why does insomnia occur in pregnancy?

Insomnia in pregnancy is closely related to hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, and is therefore considered normal. In the first trimester it is more rare for women to have insomnia, however this can happen due to anxiety generated by pregnancy.

Insomnia is more common in the third trimester, as the amount of circulating hormones is already quite altered, in addition to the fact that the belly is larger, there may be pain and difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position, with insomnia.

Although insomnia during pregnancy does not harm the baby's development, it can harm the health of the pregnant woman, who must sleep at least 8 hours a day, as the pregnant woman who sleeps insufficient hours will feel more drowsy during the day, difficulty concentrating and irritability, which end up affecting your well-being and creating anxiety and stress that make insomnia worse. Learn more about insomnia in pregnancy.

Insomnia in pregnancy: know how to avoid