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6 Common questions about what to do in the burn


As soon as the burn happens, the first reaction of many people is to pass coffee powder or toothpaste, for example, because they believe that these substances prevent microorganisms from penetrating the skin and causing infections, in addition to having the ability to relieve symptoms. However, this attitude is not appropriate, as passing any of these substances can further irritate the skin and cause an infection.

The most appropriate way to treat the burn is to place the region under tap water for about 15 minutes. In addition, ointments can be used, according to medical advice, to relieve pain and assist the healing process. See what to do in case of a burn.

The 6 most common doubts about what to pass in the burn are:

1. Does using toothpaste or coffee powder improve the burn?

Toothpaste, coffee powder, butter, egg white, sliced ​​onion or vinegar have no effect on the scar, and may even delay the healing process and increase the chances of bacterial infection. Therefore, the best way to treat the burn is to place the burned area under cold water until the skin has cooled.

Then, ointments suitable for burning can be applied with soothing, healing and antibacterial properties. See some examples of ointments for burn.

2. Can I pop the bubble?

The bubble is a way for the body to protect the affected region against infections, so it should not be burst. If it should break, you should wash the area thoroughly with water and mild soap.

In addition, if the skin is glued or stuck after the popped ball, you should not move. The skin can only be removed in the hospital by a trained professional, as it can cause other damage to the skin.

3. Does rubbing the scar relieve symptoms?

Despite being cold, ice should not be used, as excessive cold can damage the skin and cause further burns and injuries. In addition to ice, it is important to avoid passing cotton over the burned area, as it can stick to the skin and interfere with the healing process.

4. What can relieve the burning pain?

Burn pains can be relieved only with cold water in the burned area. However, there are homemade ointments that can relieve the symptoms of the burn and aid in healing. Find out what homemade ointment is used for burns.

5. Does aloe gel help in the healing process of the burn?

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, healing and moisturizing properties, thus, it can be used to help in the healing process of the scar, as long as there is no wound in place. See what are the other benefits of aloe vera.

6. Does cold milk compress help with healing?

The cold milk compress can be used to treat sunburn, as it reduces the burning and swelling of the skin as well as moisturizing it. See other remedies for sunburn.

What to do to treat the burn

As soon as there is a burn, place the region under cold water so that the heat does not penetrate deeper into the skin. The burn must be washed with running water to prevent infections from occurring, as the injured skin corresponds to a gateway for microorganisms. The burn can also be washed with iced chamomile tea, as it relieves pain and moisturizes the skin.

In addition, you should remove any object that is in the burned area, such as rings, bracelets or necklaces, as they swell quickly, which can make it difficult to remove these objects later.

To relieve pain and assist the healing process, the use of some ointments such as Nebacetin, Esperson, Dermazine or Silver Sulfadiazine may be indicated by the general practitioner or dermatologist. After healing, the region should be protected for about 6 months to avoid blemishes.

Check out these and other tips in the following video:

6 Common questions about what to do in the burn