Home Pregnancy What to do to increase breast milk production

What to do to increase breast milk production


To improve the production of breast milk, it is important that the breastfeeding woman drinks about 3 to 4 liters of fluids a day, eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and also increase the frequency and duration of feedings., to stimulate the reflection of the hormone prolactin that increases the production of breast milk.

The more the baby suckles, the more milk the mother produces and, therefore, the mother must let the baby suckle whenever she is hungry, even at night and, if possible, let the baby empty the breast until the end and only then offer the another.

It is important to maintain breastfeeding even in the event of mastitis or bruised nipple, because sucking the baby also helps to treat these situations.

The following tips should be followed daily to ensure considerable milk production:

1. Drink water

Ingesting 3 to 4 liters of fluids per day, such as water, juices and soups, ensures good milk production. You should always have 1 glass of water, tea or juice before and after breastfeeding.

2. Look at the baby

Looking at the baby while he breastfeeds, releases more hormones into the bloodstream and consequently increases milk production. Find out what are the best breastfeeding positions.

3. Eat well

The diet during breastfeeding must be balanced and rich in foods with water, such as gelatin and fruits such as oranges, melons and watermelons and also foods that provide enough energy such as hominy, chestnuts and cod.

4. Relax

Resting whenever possible ensures that the body has energy for milk production. The mother can take the opportunity to sit in the breastfeeding chair when she finishes breastfeeding and, if possible, should avoid household chores, especially those that require more effort.

See good tips on how to relax after giving birth to produce more milk.

5. Take supplement

Taking a supplement specially formulated for the breastfeeding period, with silymarin, can help to produce more milk. Before starting the supplement, you should talk to your GP or pediatrician about this possibility. Learn how to use this supplement.

The woman may know that she is producing enough milk for the baby if the baby is gaining weight properly. If the doctor thinks that the baby is not gaining enough weight in the consultations with the pediatrician, he can guide the use of the bottle with adapted milk, to complete breastfeeding or as a substitute.

The baby must exclusively breastfeed until 6 months and although the mother may have to return to work before this recommendation, the baby can continue to take the mother's milk from the bottle if the mother takes the milk at home and at work and gives it to anyone who stays taking care of the baby. See how to ensure breastfeeding after returning to work.

What to do to increase breast milk production