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What is good for heartburn?


Heartburn, also known as heartburn, can be cured or easily avoided with some simple solutions, which include taking an antacid medicine or taking some homemade measures, such as eating small meals or avoiding fatty foods and fizzy drinks, for example.

This symptom is a burning sensation located in the stomach or chest, caused by situations such as poor digestion or by diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis or gastric ulcer, for example, and may be accompanied by a bad taste in the mouth, nausea or belching. constant. If it is persistent or very intense, it is important to consult with the general practitioner to better define the cause and indicate the correct treatment.

1. Home treatment

The main treatment options, which can be considered home remedies, which must be done daily to treat and prevent heartburn are:

  • Decrease the volume of meals; Do not eat fried, greasy or very spicy foods; Do not drink soft drinks, sparkling water or alcoholic drinks; Avoid drinking coffee and black tea; Do not lie down until 40 minutes after the meal; Avoid drinking fluids and soups at dinner; wear light and loose clothing that does not tighten the abdomen; avoid stress and nervousness, thus decreasing acid production in the stomach; do not stay on an empty stomach for a long time; at night, lie on the left side of the body and raise the head of the bed about 15 cm makes it difficult to return the contents of the stomach to the mouth; Avoid foods that can cause alteration of digestion or burning sensation in sensitive people, such as dairy products, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes or food very spicy, for example.

In addition, there are options for natural remedies that can be taken to combat stomach acidity and relieve heartburn, such as eating a cracker of water and salt or bits of bread crumb to absorb gastric acid, drinking half a cup of potato juice English in the morning, drink fasting water with lemon or boldo tea with dandelion, for example. Check out the recipe for this great tea in a natural solution for heartburn.

Some medications can also increase the risk of heartburn in some people, such as ASA, anti-inflammatories, osteoporosis drugs or antibiotics, so you should talk to your doctor to evaluate alternatives or ways to relieve symptoms during their use.

2. Treatment with medicines

The treatment of heartburn with medication is done after medical evaluation and indication, and they aim to decrease stomach acidity to relieve symptoms. Some of the most used remedies include antacids, such as Aluminum hydroxide, Milk of magnesia or Calcium alginate, or stomach acid inhibiting remedies, such as Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Ranitidine or Cimetidine, for example.

Main causes of heartburn

Heartburn is a burning sensation that can be located in the stomach or can extend through the esophagus to the throat, usually caused by a greater sensitivity of the digestive tract to acidity in the stomach, as occurs in gastroesophageal reflux or in cases of gastritis or gastric ulcers, for example. Learn to identify the main symptoms of heartburn.

Obesity can be a major cause of heartburn because abdominal fat presses the stomach, facilitating the reflux of gastric contents, in which case the best solution to cure heartburn is to lose weight.

During pregnancy it is also common for heartburn to develop, as the volume of the uterus can compress the stomach or change the dynamics of the abdominal organs, which facilitates the occurrence of reflux episodes, especially after eating, and it is recommended that the pregnant woman do small meals, several times a day, and preferably with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Check out some tips on what to do to combat heartburn in pregnancy.

What is good for heartburn?