Home Pregnancy Symptoms of gastritis in pregnancy and how to treat

Symptoms of gastritis in pregnancy and how to treat


Treatment for gastritis in pregnancy is done mainly through changes in diet, preferring a diet rich in vegetables and avoiding caffeinated foods, fried foods and soft drinks, and with the help of natural remedies like chamomile tea. The doctor may also recommend medications that decrease stomach acidity, to help control symptoms, however they should be avoided as much as possible.

The chances of having gastritis during pregnancy are increased due to hormonal changes and increased stress and anxiety that are normal at this stage. In addition, the enlarged uterus can compress the abdominal organs, which can cause reflux, intestinal changes and worsen gastric symptoms. See also the symptoms and treatment of reflux in pregnancy.

It is important to highlight that gastritis does not harm the baby, but medications should only be taken to combat this problem according to medical advice.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of gastritis during pregnancy are the same as other stages of life, and may appear:

  • Heartburn and stomach pain; Constant hiccups; Vomiting; Poor digestion; Dark stools.

These symptoms appear mainly after meals or when you have not eaten for a long time, in addition to being worse in times of stress or anxiety.

How the treatment is done

Treatment options for gastritis in pregnancy include:

1. Treatment with medicines

The use of medications should only be done if indicated by the doctor, and, whenever possible, changes in diet and natural remedies should be preferred. In the cases indicated, some options include administration of antacids.

2. What to eat

It is important to increase the intake of dry and easily digestible foods, such as braised salad, white meats, fish, fruits, whole grain bread and crackers without filling.

In addition, remember to chew your food well and eat every 3 hours, as skipping meals or overeating in the following meals can worsen gastritis.

See also tips on nutrition to combat heartburn in pregnancy in the following video:

3. What not to eat

To control gastritis, foods such as fried foods, fatty and processed meats such as sausage and sausage, pepper, highly seasoned preparations, sweets, white bread and acidic foods such as pineapple, tomato and orange should be removed from the diet.

In addition, it is important to avoid soft drinks, caffeinated drinks such as coffee and mate tea, as they cause stomach irritation and make the problem worse. See what the diet should be like to fight gastritis and ulcers.

4. Natural remedies

Some medicinal plants can be used during pregnancy to improve digestion and reduce motion sickness, such as ginger, chamomile, peppermint and dandelion. However, it is important to remember that women who take diabetes medications cannot consume dandelion tea.

These teas should be taken about 2 times a day, preferably on waking and between meals. Check out other home remedies tips to end stomach pain.

Symptoms of gastritis in pregnancy and how to treat