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What to do if you forget to take your antibiotic


When you forget to take the antibiotic at the right time, you should take the missed dose the moment you remember. However, if it is less than 2 hours before the next dose, it is recommended to skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the correct time, to avoid increasing the risk of side effects due to a double dose, such as severe diarrhea, abdominal pain or vomiting.

Ideally, the antibiotic should always be taken at the same interval, usually 8 or 12 hours, to ensure that there is always a steady level of the drug in the blood, preventing the development of bacteria that can aggravate the infection.

What to do if you forget to take 1 tablet

In most cases, when only 1 tablet is forgotten, it is recommended to take the tablet as soon as you remember, as long as it is not less than 2 hours to the next. However, it is important to always read the package insert for the medication, as it may vary according to the type of antibiotic or the dose being used.

Check the instructions for the most used antibiotics:

  • Penicillin; Amoxicillin; Clindamycin; Ciprofloxacin; Metronidazole.

In addition, it is also possible to contact the doctor who prescribed the antibiotic to confirm the best way to act after forgetting.

What to do if you forget to take multiple pills

Missing more than one dose of the antibiotic can impair the functioning of the drug, so it is always important to inform the doctor who prescribed the antibiotic about how many doses have been missed. In many cases, the doctor will recommend starting treatment again with a new antibiotic pack, to ensure that all bacteria are eliminated correctly, preventing the disease from reoccurring.

Although it is possible to start the treatment again with another package, it is very important to try to avoid forgetfulness, because during the period when you stop taking the antibiotic correctly, the bacteria are able to develop immunity, becoming more resistant and making it difficult to treat one. new infection in the future.

Tips to remember to take the antibiotic

To avoid forgetting to take a dose of antibiotics there are some simple and very effective tips, such as:

  • Combine antibiotic intake with other daily activities, such as after eating or after taking another medication, as a medicine for high blood pressure; Make a daily record of the antibiotic intake, indicating the doses taken and the missed ones, as well as the schedule; Create an alarm on your cell phone or computer to remind you of the right time to take your antibiotic.

These tips are important to maintain a correct and regular intake of the antibiotic, accelerating the cure of the problem and preventing the appearance of side effects such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, for example.

Check out 5 most common questions about the use of antibiotics.

What to do if you forget to take your antibiotic