Home Pregnancy How to avoid being overweight in pregnancy

How to avoid being overweight in pregnancy


In order not to put on too much weight during pregnancy, the pregnant woman should eat healthy and without exaggeration, and try to do light physical activities during pregnancy, with the authorization of the obstetrician.

Thus, it is important to increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, such as fruits, vegetables and whole foods, such as rice, pasta and whole wheat flour.

The weight to be gained during pregnancy depends on the BMI the woman had before becoming pregnant, and can vary between about 7 to 14 kg. To find out how much weight you can gain, take the test below the Gestational Weight Calculator.

Attention: This calculator is not suitable for multiple pregnancies.

What to eat to control weight

To control weight, women should eat a diet rich in natural and whole foods, giving preference to fruits, vegetables, rice, pasta and whole flour, skimmed milk and by-products and lean meats, consuming fish at least twice a week.

In addition, one should prefer to consume food prepared at home, using a small amount of oils, sugars and olive oil during the cooking of meals. In addition, all visible fat from meat and skin from chicken and fish should be removed to reduce the amount of calories in the diet.

What to avoid in the diet

To avoid excessive weight gain in pregnancy, it is important to avoid consuming foods rich in sugar, fat and simple carbohydrates, such as white flour, sweets, desserts, whole milk, stuffed cookies, red and processed meats, such as sausage, bacon, sausage and salami.

It is also important to avoid the consumption of fried foods, fast food, soft drinks and frozen ready food, such as pizza and lasagna, as they are rich in fats and chemical additives. In addition, one should avoid the consumption of meat and vegetable broth cubes, powdered soups or ready-made spices, as they are rich in salt, which causes fluid retention and increased blood pressure.

Menu to control weight gain

The following is an example of a 3-day menu to control weight gain during pregnancy.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of skim milk + 1 wholemeal bread with cheese + 1 slice of papaya; Morning snack: 1 natural yogurt with granola; Lunch / Dinner: 1 chicken steak with tomato sauce + 4 col. rice soup + 3 col. bean soup + green salad + 1 orange; Afternoon snack: Pineapple juice with mint + 1 tapioca with cheese.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: Avocado smoothie + 2 whole toast with butter; Morning snack: 1 mashed banana with oats + gelatin; Lunch / Dinner: Pasta with tuna and pesto sauce + sautéed vegetable salad + 2 slices of watermelon; Afternoon snack: 1 natural yogurt with flaxseed + 1 whole grain bread with curd.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of orange juice + 1 tapioca + cheese; Morning snack: 1 plain yogurt + 1 col. flaxseed + 2 toast; Lunch / Dinner: 1 piece of cooked fish + 2 medium potatoes + boiled vegetables + 2 slices of pineapple; Afternoon snack: 1 glass of skim milk + 1 wholemeal bread with tuna.

In addition to following this diet, it is also important to do frequent physical activity, after talking to the doctor and having his authorization, such as hiking or water aerobics. See the 7 best exercises to practice in pregnancy.

Dangers of overweight in pregnancy

Excess weight in pregnancy can pose risks for the mother and baby, such as high blood pressure, eclampsia and gestational diabetes.

In addition, being overweight also slows the woman's recovery in the postpartum period and increases the chances of the baby also being overweight throughout life. See how is the pregnancy of the obese woman.

See more tips for weight control during pregnancy by watching the following video:

How to avoid being overweight in pregnancy