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Benign prostatic hyperplasia: symptoms, causes and treatment


Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or just BPH, is an enlarged prostate that arises naturally with age in most men, being a very common male problem after the age of 50.

Generally, prostate hyperplasia is identified when symptoms appear, such as frequent urge to urinate, difficulty in completely emptying the bladder or presence of a weak stream of urine. However, it is necessary to have an evaluation with a urologist to screen for other problems that may cause similar symptoms, such as prostate infection or even cancer. See what are the main signs of prostate cancer.

Depending on the degree of prostate abnormality and symptoms, treatment can be done only with the use of medications or you may need surgery, and to select the best option it is important to speak to the doctor.

Main symptoms

The most common symptoms in cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia usually include:

  • Frequent and urgent desire to urinate; Difficulty starting to urinate; Waking up frequently during the night to urinate; Weak or weak urine stream; Bladder sensation still full after urinating.

These symptoms usually appear after the age of 50 and it is common that they worsen over time, according to the increase in the size of the prostate, which ends up squeezing the urethra and affecting the urinary system.

However, it is also possible that the severity of symptoms is not directly related to the size of the prostate, as there are several men who have very marked symptoms even with a slight enlargement of the prostate.

See what other problems can cause similar symptoms.

How to confirm the diagnosis

Since there are several urinary problems that can cause symptoms similar to prostatic hyperplasia, such as urinary tract infection, prostate inflammation, kidney stones or even prostate cancer, it is very important to see a urologist.

After assessing the man's symptoms and history, the doctor can usually order several tests such as rectal ultrasound, urine test, PSA test or prostate biopsy, for example, to rule out other problems and confirm benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Watch the following video and see how these exams are performed:

What causes prostatic hyperplasia

There is still no specific cause to justify the increase in the size of the prostate, however, it is possible that benign prostatic hyperplasia is caused by a gradual growth of the gland that happens due to the hormonal alteration that man is presenting with natural aging.

However, some factors are known to appear to increase the risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia:

  • Being over 50 years old; Having a family history of prostate problems; Having heart disease or diabetes.

In addition, physical exercise also appears to be one of the factors that increases the risk of prostate hyperplasia. Thus, obese or overweight men are at increased risk of developing BPH.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia varies according to the size of the prostate, the man's age and the type of symptoms. Thus, the best form of treatment should always be discussed with the urologist. Some of the most used forms are:

1. Remedies for benign prostatic hyperplasia

This type of treatment is generally used in men with mild to moderate symptoms and may include the use of different medications, such as:

  • Alpha blockers, such as Alfuzosin or Doxazosin: relax the bladder muscles and prostate fibers, facilitating the act of urination; 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as Finasteride or Dutasteride: reduce the size of the prostate by inhibiting some hormonal processes; Tadalafil: is a widely used remedy for erectile dysfunction, but it can also reduce the symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia.

These drugs can be used separately or in combination, depending on the type of symptoms.

2. Minimally invasive therapies

Minimally invasive therapies are used especially in cases of men with moderate or severe symptoms, who have not improved with the medications indicated by the doctor.

There are several of these techniques, but all can cause other complications such as retrograde ejaculation, increased difficulty passing urine, bleeding in the urine, recurrent urinary infections or even erectile dysfunction. Thus, all options should be discussed well with the urologist.

Some of the most used techniques are Transurethral Prostate Incision, Transurethral Microwave Thermotherapy, Laser Therapy or Prostate Lifting, for example.

3. Surgery

Surgery is usually done to remove the prostate and permanently resolve all symptoms, being advised when none of the other forms of treatment have shown results or when the prostate weighs more than 75 grams. This surgery can be done by laparoscopy or in a classic way, through a cut in the belly.

See how this surgery is done and how recovery is.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia: symptoms, causes and treatment