Home Symptoms What is labyrinthitis and how to treat it

What is labyrinthitis and how to treat it


Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the ear that affects the labyrinth, a region of the inner ear responsible for hearing and balance. This inflammation causes dizziness, vertigo, lack of balance, hearing loss, nausea and general malaise and appears more easily in the elderly.

This disease is curable when treated from the beginning, and its treatment usually involves taking medications, physiotherapy and an anti-inflammatory diet to help reduce inflammation.

Symptoms that may indicate Labyrinthitis

Some symptoms that may indicate the presence of inflammation of the inner ear, include:

  • Constant headache; Dizziness and vertigo; Loss of balance; Hearing loss; Ringing in the ear; Vomiting and nausea; General malaise; Feeling faint; Anxiety; Feeling of tension in the muscles of the face; Involuntary eye movements.

These symptoms can appear at any time, and may persist for minutes, hours, days or weeks, depending on the person to person. In addition, symptoms tend to get worse or worse in bright or noisy environments.

Main causes of Labyrinthitis

Labyrinthitis is a disease that can have several causes, including:

  • Ear infection; Colds or flu; Head injuries; Side effects of medications; Brain tumor; Hypertension; Hyper or hypothyroidism; Hyper or hypoglycemia; High cholesterol; Anemia; Allergy; Temporomandibular joint dysfunction - TMJ; Neurological diseases.

The appearance of labyrinthitis is also closely linked to aging, as it is a problem that is more common in the elderly, but that can also appear in young people. In addition, other factors such as excessive tiredness, fatigue, excess stress or abuse of alcoholic beverages can also cause the onset of this inflammation.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for labyrinthitis consists of taking drugs for labyrinthitis, diet and physiotherapy to treat and reduce inflammation, and improve balance problems.

1. Used remedies

The remedies used to treat labyrinthitis can include:

  • Vasodilators such as Atenol or Adalat (Nifedipine) to improve blood circulation; Remedies that treat dizziness and vertigo such as Ondansetron, Beta-histine or Monotrean. Remedies that reduce motion sickness like Metoclopramide or Domperidone.

In addition to these remedies, the use of other medications may be recommended by the doctor, as the treatment depends on what is causing the inflammation.

During treatment there are other precautions that prevent the worsening of symptoms, such as avoiding sudden changes in position and very bright places, for example.

2. Anti-inflammatory food

Anti-inflammatory food can be a strong ally in the treatment of Labyrinthitis, as it aims to reduce the production of substances in the body that stimulate inflammation. Thus, it is recommended:

  • Avoid foods that increase inflammation such as sugar, canned goods, yellow cheeses, chocolate, processed meats, cookies, cakes, salt, soft drinks, fast food, alcoholic beverages or ready and frozen food. Consume anti-inflammatory foods such as garlic, onions, saffron, curry, fish rich in omega-3, such as tuna, sardines and salmon, orange, acerola, guava, pineapple, pomegranate, cherry. strawberry, chestnut, walnut, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, ginger, coconut oil, olive oil and seeds such as flaxseed, chia and sesame. Drink tea to maintain hydration and control nausea and vomiting. Some teas with this effect include ginger tea or basil tea, for example.

This type of food effectively fights inflammation, as it increases the levels of antioxidants in the body, thus decreasing inflammation. See how to make an anti-inflammatory food in Anti-inflammatory food fights diseases and helps you lose weight.

3. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy sessions are also important in the treatment of Labyrinthitis, as they will help to improve the balance problems associated with this inflammation. During the sessions, the physiotherapist will invest in mobilizing the patient's head, in order to reposition the crystals present in the ear and thus improve balance.

See the exercises that can be done to end dizziness:

Why does Labyrinthitis arise in pregnancy?

Often, Labyrinthitis appears during the gestation period, due to hormonal changes that occur during this period and that cause fluid retention in the labyrinth. This fluid retention causes inflammation and leads to an episode of labyrinthitis.

The symptoms experienced by the pregnant woman are the same and treatment should also include taking medication, an anti-inflammatory diet and physical therapy.

What is Emotional Labyrinthitis?

Emotional labyrinthitis arises when there are other problems such as anxiety or depression, which lead to the onset of this inflammation. In these cases, in addition to the recommended treatment, psychotherapy is indicated in order to treat existing emotional problems simultaneously. Learn more about emotional labyrinthitis in Labyrinthitis can be Emotional.

What is labyrinthitis and how to treat it