Home Symptoms Stridulous laryngitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Stridulous laryngitis: symptoms, causes and treatment


Stridulous laryngitis is an infection of the larynx, which usually occurs in children between 3 months and 3 years of age and whose symptoms, if treated correctly, last between 3 and 7 days. The characteristic symptom of stridulous laryngitis is dry cough, known as dog cough, which occurs due to increased mucus production and dryness, which can lead to mild to moderate airway obstruction.

This type of laryngitis is usually the result of colds or flu and, therefore, it is more common to happen in late autumn and winter. Treatment is done according to the pediatrician's recommendation and involves resting your voice and drinking plenty of fluids.

Symptoms of stridulous laryngitis

The most characteristic symptom of stridulous laryngitis is dry cough, popularly known as dog cough, which usually gets worse at night and can cause vomiting. Other symptoms are:

  • Hoarseness; Light or moderate airway obstruction; Difficulty breathing due to swelling of the larynx and vocal cords.

This type of laryngitis usually does not cause fever, inflammation or pain and is most often caused by contact with viruses, such as Parainfluenza, Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus or Adenovirus.

More rarely, stridulous laryngitis can happen due to respiratory allergies, gastroesophageal reflux or increased adenoids, which is a set of lymphatic tissue that when it grows too much can cause breathing difficulties. Learn more about the adenoid.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of stridulous laryngitis is made by a pediatrician through clinical evaluation, description of symptoms and presence of cough. It can be confirmed by visual examination of the vocal cords and nearby areas. In addition, the doctor may request a laryngoscopy.

How to treat

The treatment of stridulous laryngitis is usually not done with the use of medications, but through cold nebulization, increased fluid intake to release mucus trapped in the airways, resting the voice as much as possible and raising the head of the bed with pillows.

Painkillers are only indicated when there are other complications and antibiotics, if there is a secondary bacterial infection. In the most severe cases, with the threat of obstruction of the airways, great difficulty in breathing or pneumonia, the child may be kept under observation in the emergency or even, may require hospitalization.

Home treatment

A good home treatment for stridulous laryngitis is to add a few drops of ginger extract in a bathtub with hot water to help loosen secretions. After bathing, wrap the child in a towel or light cover and then lay him on the bed with his head raised by two or three pillows. See what are the health benefits of ginger.

Prevention of stridulous laryngitis

Stridulous laryngitis can be prevented by using a water vaporizer or humidifier near the child's headboard for several nights in a row. You should also avoid breathing irritating fumes, dust or vapors, rest more, take a shower with hot water, in order to produce steam and breathe it.

Stridulous laryngitis: symptoms, causes and treatment