Home Symptoms 5 Possible causes of leukocytosis

5 Possible causes of leukocytosis


Leukocytosis is a condition in which the number of leukocytes, that is, white blood cells, is above normal, which in adults is up to 11, 000 per mm³.

Since the function of these cells is to fight infections and help the immune system work, their increase usually indicates that there is a problem that the body is trying to fight and, therefore, it may be a first sign of infection, for example.

Types of leukocytosis

Leukocytes are a group that includes several types of white blood cells, so the increase can happen in just one of these types of cells. Thus, there are 5 main types of leukocytosis:

  • Neutrophilia: it is the increase in neutrophils, which usually happens due to excessive stress, excessive exercise, diabetes or some infections; Lymphocytosis: consists of an increase in the number of lymphocytes and is one of the most common types, arising in cases of recurrent infections such as flu or allergy, for example; Monocytosis: it is the increase in the number of monocytes and is a more rare alteration, which can indicate chronic infections such as tuberculosis, colitis or even leukemia; Eosinophilia: it is an increase in the number of eosinophils and is usually more common in the case of allergies or infections by parasites or fungi; Basophilia: consists of an increase in basophils and is a very rare disorder that can indicate problems such as asthma, sinusitis, anemia, colitis or even leukemia.

To assess the amount of these components in the blood, the doctor usually orders a white blood cell count, which is included in the blood count. The normal values ​​of leukocytes in the blood varies according to the person's age. See more about the white blood cell and what are the normal reference values ​​for each age.

Main causes of leukocytosis

Although the number of leukocytes can be changed by any problem that affects the body and there are more specific causes according to the type of leukocytes that is altered, the most common causes of leukocytosis include:

1. Infections

Infections of the body, whether caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria, almost always cause changes in some of the main types of leukocytes and, therefore, are an important cause of leukocytosis.

Since there are many types of infections, the doctor needs to assess the symptoms that exist and order other more specific tests to try to identify the specific cause, and then can adjust the treatment. When the cause is being difficult to identify, some doctors may choose to start treatment with an antibiotic, since most infections are caused by bacteria, and assess whether there is improvement in symptoms or whether the leukocyte values ​​are regulated.

2. Allergies

Allergies, such as asthma, sinusitis or rhinitis are another of the most common causes for the increase in the number of leukocytes, especially eosinophils and basophils.

In these cases, the doctor usually asks for an allergy test to try to understand the reason for the allergy, especially if there are no symptoms that can help in the diagnosis. See how the allergy test is done.

3. Use of medicines

Some medications, such as Lithium or Heparin, are known to cause changes in blood cells, especially in the number of leukocytes, resulting in leukocytosis. For this reason, whenever there is a change in the blood test it is very important to inform the doctor of the type of medication that is used frequently.

If necessary, the doctor can adjust the dose of the medication you are taking or change it to another medication that has a similar effect, but does not cause so much change in the blood.

4. Chronic inflammations

Chronic or autoimmune diseases such as colitis, rheumatoid arthritis or irritable bowel syndrome can cause a process of constant inflammation, which causes the body to produce more leukocytes to fight what is changed in the body. Thus, people with any of these conditions may experience leukocytosis, even if they are undergoing treatment for the disease.

See the main symptoms of common chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or irritable bowel.

5. Cancer

Although more rare, an increase in the number of leukocytes may also indicate the development of cancer. The most common type of cancer that causes leukocytosis is leukemia, however, other types of cancer, such as lung cancer, can also cause changes in leukocytes.

Whenever there is a suspicion of cancer, the doctor may order other tests to try to confirm the presence. See which 8 tests can help identify the presence of cancer.

What can cause leukocytosis in pregnancy

Leukocytosis is a relatively normal change in pregnancy, and the number of leukocytes may even increase throughout the pregnancy to values ​​up to 14, 000 per mm³.

In addition, leukocytes also tend to increase after delivery due to the stress caused in the body. Thus, a woman who has been pregnant may experience leukocytosis even after pregnancy for a few weeks.

5 Possible causes of leukocytosis