Home Symptoms What is neurogenic shock, what are the symptoms and how to treat

What is neurogenic shock, what are the symptoms and how to treat


Neurogenic shock occurs when there is a communication failure between the brain and the body, causing blood vessels to lose their tone and dilate, making blood circulation throughout the body more difficult and lowering blood pressure. When this happens, the organs cease to receive the necessary oxygen and therefore fail to function, creating a life-threatening situation.

This type of shock is more frequent in road accidents and falls, for example, when there is a spinal cord injury, however, it can also arise due to problems in the brain, for example.

Thus, if there is a suspicion of neurogenic shock, it is very important to immediately go to the emergency room or call medical help, calling 192, so that appropriate treatment can be started, as this is a situation that puts the person's health at risk., which can cause irreversible damage or even cause death. Treatment is usually done in the ICU with the administration of drugs directly into the vein.

Main signs and symptoms

The first two most important symptoms of neurogenic shock are a rapid drop in blood pressure and a slow heartbeat. However, other signs and symptoms, such as:

  • Decrease in body temperature, below 35.5ºC; Rapid and shallow breathing; Cold and bluish skin; Dizziness and feeling faint; Excessive sweat; Absence of response to stimuli; Alteration of mental state; Reduction or absence of urine production; Unconsciousness; Chest pain.

The severity of the symptoms usually increases according to the injury that led to the shock, and in the case of lions in the spine, the higher the spine is, the more severe the symptoms may be.

There are other types of shock that can also cause these symptoms, such as septic shock or cardiogenic shock. However, in either case, it is always important to go to the hospital as soon as possible to start treatment.

Possible causes of neurogenic shock

The main cause of neurogenic shock is the occurrence of spinal injuries, due to strong blows to the back or traffic accidents, for example.

However, the use of an incorrect technique to perform epidural anesthesia in the hospital or the use of some drugs or medication that affect the nervous system can also be causes of neurogenic shock.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for neurogenic shock should be started as soon as possible to avoid serious life-threatening complications. Thus, treatment can be started immediately in the emergency room, but then it needs to be continued in the ICU to maintain a constant assessment of vital signs. Some forms of treatment include:

  • Immobilization: it is used in cases where an injury occurs in the spine, in order to prevent it from getting worse with movements; Use of serum directly in the vein: allows to increase the amount of fluids in the body and regulate blood pressure; Atropine administration: a medicine that increases the heart rate, if the heart has been affected; Use of epinephrine or ephedrine: together with the serum, they help to regulate blood pressure; Use of corticosteroids, such as methylprednisolone: ​​help to reduce complications of neurological injuries.

In addition, if an accident has occurred, surgery may also be required to correct the injuries.

Thus, treatment can last from 1 week to several months, depending on the type of injury and the severity of the situation. After stabilizing vital signs and recovering from shock, it is usually necessary to do physical therapy sessions to regain some of the muscle strength or to adapt to the performance of daily activities.

What is neurogenic shock, what are the symptoms and how to treat