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What the diabetic can eat


The diet for a person who has diabetes is very important so that blood sugar levels are controlled and kept constant to prevent changes like hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia from happening. Therefore, it is important that when diagnosed with diabetes, the person goes to the nutritionist for a complete nutritional assessment and a nutritional plan appropriate to their needs is indicated.

In the diabetes diet it is important to include and increase the amount of fiber-rich foods, as they help control sugar levels, called glycemia, as well as consuming foods with a low glycemic index, that is, foods that increase the amount of sugar. current. In addition, it is important to regulate the consumption of foods that contain fat, as there is a risk of the person developing heart disease, in addition to diabetes.

Table of foods for diabetics

The following table helps people with diabetes to find out which foods are allowed, which are prohibited and which should be avoided:

Allowed With moderation Avoid
Beans, lentils, chickpeas and corn Brown rice, brown bread, couscous, manioc flour, popcorn, peas, corn flour, potatoes, boiled pumpkin, cassava, yams and turnips

White, white rice, mashed potatoes, snacks, puff pastry, wheat flour, cakes, French bread, white bread, biscuit, waffle

Fruits like apple, pear, orange, peach, tangerine, red fruits and green bananas. It is recommended that they be eaten with peel.

Vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower, peppers, eggplant and carrots.

Kiwi, melon, papaya, pine cone, grapes and raisin.


Fruits such as dates, figs, watermelon, syrup fruits and jelly with sugar

Whole grains such as oats, brown bread and barley Wholegrain pancakes prepared at home Industrialized cereals containing sugar
Low-fat meats such as chicken and skinless turkey and fish Red meat Sausages such as salami, mortadella, ham and lard
Stevia or stevia sweetener Other sweeteners Sugar, honey, brown sugar, jam, syrup, sugar cane
Sunflower, linseed, chia, pumpkin seeds, Dried fruits such as nuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts Olive oil, flax oil (in small quantities) and coconut oil Fried foods, other oils, margarine, butter
Water, unsweetened tea, naturally flavored waters Sugar-free natural fruit juices Alcoholic beverages, industrialized juices and soft drinks
Milk, low-fat yogurt, low-fat white cheese - Whole milk and yogurts, yellow cheeses, condensed milk, sour cream and cream cheese

The ideal is to always eat small portions of food every 3 hours, making 3 main meals and 2 to 3 snacks a day (mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before bed), respecting the meal time.

The fruits allowed in diabetes should not be consumed in isolation, but should be accompanied with other foods and, preferably, at the end of a main meal, such as lunch or dinner, always in small portions. It is important to give preference to the consumption of the whole fruit and not in juice, since the amount of fiber is less.

Can you eat candy in diabetes?

You cannot eat sweets in diabetes, as they contain large amounts of sugar, which causes the glucose level to rise and diabetes to become uncontrolled, increasing the risk of diabetes-related illnesses such as blindness, heart problems, kidney problems and difficulty in healing, for example. See a complete list of foods high in sugar to avoid.

However, if you eat well and your blood glucose is controlled, you can occasionally consume some sweets, preferably that have been prepared at home.

What to eat to lower diabetes

To lower blood sugar and control diabetes, it is recommended to consume foods rich in fiber with every meal, and you should eat at least 25 to 30 grams per day. In addition, preference should be given to foods with low and medium glycemic index, which is an important value to know how much a certain food is rich in carbohydrates and increases the amount of sugar in the blood.

To control diabetes it is important, in addition to a balanced diet, to perform physical activity such as walking or practicing some type of sport for 30 to 60 minutes a day, as this also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, since the muscle uses the glucose during exercise. It is recommended that before performing the activity, the person make a small snack to avoid hypoglycemia. See what the diabetic should eat before exercising.

In addition, it is also important to measure the amount of sugar in the blood daily and make use of the medications indicated by the doctor, as well as requesting the guidance of the nutritionist so that an adequate assessment is made. See in the video below what the diet for diabetes should be:

What the diabetic can eat