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Venereal lymphogranuloma: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Venereal lymphogranuloma, also called mule or LGV, is a sexually transmitted infection caused by three different types of the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis , which is also responsible for chlamydia. This bacteria, upon reaching the genital region, leads to the formation of painless and fluid-filled wounds that are not always noticed.

LGV is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and, therefore, it is important to use condoms in all intimate contacts, as well as paying attention to the hygiene of the intimate region after intercourse. The treatment is usually done with the use of antibiotics, which must be prescribed by the doctor according to the sensitivity profile of the microorganism and symptoms presented by each person, being most often indicated the use of Doxycycline or Azithromycin.

Main symptoms

The incubation time for Chlamydia trachomatis is about 3 to 30 days, that is, the first symptoms of the infection begin to appear up to 30 days after contact with the bacteria. In general, the disease can be classified into three stages according to the severity of the symptoms presented:

  • Primary stage, in which symptoms appear between 3 days and 3 weeks after contact with the bacteria, the first symptom being the appearance of a small blister in the genital region, which indicates the place of entry of the bacteria. In addition, a slight swelling in the groin can be seen, which is indicative that the bacteria has reached the ganglia of that location. In case the transmission happened through anal intercourse, there may also be pain in the rectum, discharge and constipation. In the case of infected women, they are often asymptomatic, the disease being discovered only in the following stages; Secondary stage, in which the symptoms can appear between 10 and 30 days after contact with the bacteria and is characterized by the most noticeable swelling of the groin, there may also be swelling of the ganglia in the armpits or neck, fever and redness of the region, in addition to ulcers in the rectum, bleeding and mucus, in case the infection happened via anal; Tertiary stage, which happens when the disease is not identified and / or treated properly, leading to the worsening of inflammation of the ganglia and genital region and the appearance of ulcers, which favors secondary infections.

If the symptoms are not identified and the disease is treated quickly or correctly, some complications may arise, such as penile and scrotal lymphedema, intestinal hyperplasia, vulvar hypertrophy and proctitis, which is the inflammation of the mucosa that lines the rectum and which can happen if the bacteria has been acquired through anal sex. Learn more about proctitis and how treatment is done.

Venereal lymphogranuloma can be acquired through intimate contact without a condom, and is therefore considered a sexually transmitted infection. The diagnosis is made through the analysis of symptoms and blood tests that identify antibodies against Chlamydia trachomatis , as well as the culture of secretion from the wound, which can be useful to identify the microorganism and check which is the best antibiotic to be used as treatment.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for venereal lymphogranuloma should be done according to medical advice, and antibiotics are usually recommended. The main medicines indicated by doctors are:

  • Doxycycline for 14 to 21 days; Erythromycin for 21 days; Sulfamethoxazole / trimethoprim for 21 days; Azithromycin for 7 days.

The antibiotic and the duration of treatment should be indicated by the doctor according to the sensitivity profile of the microorganism and the symptoms presented. In addition, it is important for the person to have regular checkups to make sure that the treatment is really taking effect, as well as his partner, who should be examined and treated even if he has no symptoms.

Venereal lymphogranuloma: what it is, symptoms and treatment