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How to take casein


Casein is the main protein in cow's milk and is rich in essential amino acids, also known as BCAAs, and is widely used to stimulate muscle mass gain in athletes and practitioners of physical activities.

In addition to being found in the form of supplements, casein is also naturally present in foods such as milk, cheese, sour cream and yogurt.

How to take and recommended amount

The main recommendation is that casein should be consumed about 30 minutes before bed. This is because it is a slow-absorbing protein, which allows a good amount of amino acids to remain stable in the blood throughout the night, stimulating the production of muscle mass without stimulating the increase in body fat.

In addition, the recommended dose is around 30 to 40 g, remembering that its consumption must be done together with a balanced diet and physical activity.

Types of Casein

The casein supplement can be found in the following forms:

1. Micellar casein

It is the most intact form of the protein, its structure conserved and very similar to the protein molecule naturally found in milk. This type of casein has the advantage of maintaining its slow absorption in the intestine, which releases amino acids during the night to increase hypertrophy.

2. Calcium caseinate

Caseinate and calcium is a supplement made from casein plus calcium hydroxide, a substance that increases the solubility of casein. The Micellar form of this supplement is poorly soluble and difficult to mix in juices and vitamins, while calcium caseinate mixes more easily with preparations to be consumed.

3. Hydrolyzed casein

Hydrolyzed casein is composed of casein already broken down into smaller particles, which will facilitate and speed up the digestion of the supplement. It is the same practice done with whey protein, but this type of change in the formula does not bring any benefit to the consumer and may even reduce its long-term effect overnight. See also how to take whey protein to gain muscle mass.

Casein helps weight loss

The use of casein along with regular physical activity can help with weight loss diets because supplementing this protein helps to increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the carbohydrate content of the diet.

In addition, as casein does not interfere with fat burning at night, it does not interfere with the weight loss process and also stimulates muscle mass gain.

Casein can hinder the treatment of Autism

Some studies show that a gluten and casein-free diet can help in the treatment and control of Autism. In this diet, then, it would be necessary to avoid the consumption of foods made with wheat flour, rye, barley and milk and dairy products.

However, this treatment is not yet considered to be effective, and should be done mainly by patients who have an intolerance or allergy to gluten or casein, and always under medical guidance.

How to take casein