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What is fertile period


The female fertile period is the ideal time for women to become pregnant. This period lasts approximately 6 days, and is the stage of the month when fertilization is most likely to occur, as ovulation occurs during this stage, usually 14 days before menstruation comes down, in a woman who has regular periods every 28 days.

During the fertile period, which lasts approximately 6 days, the mature egg leaves the ovary into the fallopian tubes towards the uterus and can be penetrated by a sperm, starting a pregnancy. This is the moment of conception.

Signs of the fertile period

In most cases, it is possible to identify the woman's fertile period, because she has signs or symptoms such as:

  • Smelly vaginal mucus, clear and transparent like egg white; Slightly high body temperature.

These signs occur because the woman's body is preparing to welcome a baby. With more transparent and liquid vaginal mucus, sperm can move more easily and body temperature rises due to the effort that the body makes to mature and direct the egg to the fallopian tubes.

When there is no fertilization, that is, when the egg is not penetrated by a sperm, it begins to degenerate and is absorbed by the body. Although the egg is tiny, the organism prepares a kind of nest to house the supposed fetus and, when this does not happen, all the tissues and blood that were part of this "nest" leave through the vaginal canal in the form of menstruation.

Calculate your fertile period

If you want to know exactly when your fertile period is, enter your data in this calculator:

What is fertile period