Home Symptoms 7 Causes of chills and what to do

7 Causes of chills and what to do


Chills are like chills that cause contractions and involuntary relaxation of the muscles of the whole body, being one of the body's mechanisms to generate more heat when it feels cold.

However, chills can also occur at the beginning of an infection and are usually associated with fever, causing episodes of paler tremors and a feeling of coldness. They can be caused due to a feeling of cold, but also in case of fever, flu, cold, viral or bacterial infections, sore throat, mononucleosis, pneumonia, meningitis or pyelonephritis, for example.

What can cause chills

The main causes of chills include:

1. Fever

The increase in body temperature can cause chills, making the whole body shiver. The fever can be emotional, affecting mainly children and the elderly, who are experiencing difficulties, but it usually indicates that the body is fighting an infection, or that the person is over-dressed.

What to do: take a slightly warm shower and avoid staying in hot places or under a blanket, for example. Taking tea made with raspberry leaves is also good for lowering the fever, but if it is not enough it may be recommended to take Dipyrone or Paracetamol, and have a doctor's appointment to find out what is causing the fever with chills. Discover other natural ways to lower your fever.

2. Cold and flu

Being in a cold place, with strong air conditioning and inappropriate clothing can also cause a feeling of cold, goosebumps and chills, but that feeling can also be present in the flu, for example. Other symptoms that help to identify the flu are: coughing, sneezing, phlegm, nasal discharge, chest pain and difficulty breathing, but if there is persistence or worsening of symptoms associated with high fever is a sign of more severe respiratory infection, such as pneumonia, for example, and you should go to the doctor to take the most suitable drugs. Know all Pneumonia Symptoms.

What to do: when you are chilled it is advisable to try to wrap up but taking the temperature is also a prudent attitude. In case of severe flu you can take medication to relieve symptoms and can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you also need to rest and drink more water to recover faster. But if pneumonia is proven, antibiotics recommended by the doctor should be taken.

3. Throat infection

Sore throat, the presence of small white or yellow spots in the throat, can indicate tonsillitis, for example, which can also cause chills, fever and a feeling of malaise.

What to do: Gargling with warm water and salt can help to clear the throat, eliminating microorganisms, but in this case you should go to the doctor for an evaluation, because you may need to take antibiotics. Check out more natural recipes for throat.

4. Urinary infection

In the case of urinary tract infection, symptoms such as pain or burning when urinating appear, in addition to cloudy or lumpy urine. Malaise, headache and high fever with chills may indicate a worsening of the situation, and that the bacteria may have developed and affected the kidneys, characterizing pyelonephritis.

What to do: go to the doctor because antibiotics are needed for 7 to 14 days, but drinking more water and cranberry juice is a good natural strategy to complement the treatment. Know the remedies indicated for urinary tract infection.

5. Hypoglycemia

The decrease in blood sugar can affect anyone, but it occurs more frequently in the case of diabetes. Other symptoms that may be present in case of hypoglycemia are cold sweat, feeling dizzy, chills and malaise. Normally, this decrease in energy occurs when the person does not eat anything for more than 3 hours or when diabetics take their medications and do not eat or take them incorrectly either. Know the symptoms of hypoglycemia.

What to do: You must increase the amount of sugar in your blood by ingesting some source of carbohydrate, which can be sucking a candy, or taking 1 glass of natural orange juice and eating 1 toast with butter, for example. It is not recommended to eat chocolate, pudding or other very sweet foods in order not to lose control of diabetes.

6. Changes in the prostate

Men with an inflamed prostate may experience symptoms such as painful urination, decreased urine flow, lower back pain, chills and pain in the testicles.

What to do: You should go to the urologist for a consultation and perform tests that can indicate any changes in the prostate and start appropriate treatment, which may involve taking medication or surgery, in the most severe cases. Find out all about the enlarged prostate.

7. Hypothyroidism

The decrease in thyroid function, which is hypothyroidism, can cause symptoms such as lack of disposition, tiredness, chills, difficulty concentrating, memory failures and weight gain.

What to do: a consultation with a general practitioner or endocrinologist can be indicated to investigate the symptoms, perform blood tests that measure TSH, T3 and T4, and thyroid ultrasound can be useful to identify nodules that may interfere with the functioning of this gland. In addition to eating 1 Brazil nut per day, it is recommended to take medications to regulate the thyroid, under medical advice. Check out some natural recipes to control hypothyroidism.

In addition to these causes, there are also numerous other illnesses that can cause chills, so it is always important to seek medical help to identify what is causing this symptom and how treatment should be done.

When to go to the doctor

If the chills become constant, you should go to the doctor, as it may be related to a disease that needs specific treatment. Thus, whenever the chill remains for more than 1 day, the possibility of an appointment with the general practitioner should be considered.

7 Causes of chills and what to do