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Vitiligo: causes, symptoms and treatment


Vitiligo is a disease that causes loss of skin color due to the death of the cells that produce melanin. Thus, as it develops, the disease causes whitish spots all over the body, mainly on the hands, feet, knees, elbows and intimate area and, although it is more common on the skin, vitiligo can also affect other places with pigment, such as the hair or the inside of the mouth, for example.

Although its cause is still unclear, it is known that it is related to changes in immunity, and can be triggered by situations of emotional stress. It must be remembered that vitiligo is not contagious, however, it can be hereditary and be more common among members of the same family.

Vitiligo has no cure, however, there are several forms of treatment that help to improve the appearance of the skin, reducing inflammation of the site and stimulating the repigmentation of the affected regions, such as immunosuppressants, corticosteroids or phototherapy, for example, guided by a dermatologist.

What can cause

Vitiligo arises when the cells that produce melanin, called melanocytes, die or stop producing melanin, which is the pigment that gives color to the skin, hair and eyes.

Although there is still no specific cause for this problem, doctors believe it may be related to:

  • Problems that affect the immune system, causing it to attack melanocytes, destroying them; Hereditary diseases that pass from parents to children; Skin lesions, such as burns or exposure to chemical substances.

In addition, some people may trigger the disease or worsen injuries after a period of stress or emotional trauma.

Vitiligo catches?

Since it is not caused by any microorganism, vitiligo does not start and, therefore, there is no risk of contagion when touching the skin of a person with the problem.

How to identify

The main symptom of vitiligo is the appearance of whitish spots in places more exposed to the sun, such as hands, face, arms or lips and, initially, it usually appears as a small and unique spot, which can increase in size and quantity if the treatment is not accomplished. Other signs include:

  • Hair or beard with white spots, before the age of 35; Loss of color in the lining of the mouth; Loss or change of color in some places of the eye.

These symptoms are more common before the age of 20, but can appear at any age and on any skin type, although it is more frequent in darker-skinned people.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for vitiligo should be guided by a dermatologist as it is necessary to test various forms of treatment, such as phototherapy or application of creams and ointments with corticosteroid and / or immunosuppressive drugs, to understand which is the best option in each case.

In addition, it is also important to take some precautions such as avoiding excessive sun exposure and using a sunscreen with a high protection factor, as the affected skin is very sensitive and can burn easily. Get to know one of the most used medicines to treat this skin problem.

Vitiligo: causes, symptoms and treatment