Home Symptoms 4 Causes of lump on the back

4 Causes of lump on the back


The lumps that appear on the back are a kind of raised structure that can be a sign of lipoma, sebaceous cyst, furuncle and very rarely, of cancer.

In most cases, a lump on the back is not a cause for concern, however, if it grows, is painful or does not move when touched, it is best to go to the doctor to avoid complications.

1. Lipoma

Lipoma is a genus of lump with a round shape, composed of fat cells, which appears on the skin and grows slowly. This type of lump does not usually hurt or turn into cancer. Learn how to identify lipoma.

How to treat: The treatment of lipoma consists of performing surgery for removal with local anesthesia. In the days following surgery, a healing oil or cream can be applied to the scar.

2. Sebaceous cyst

The sebaceous cyst is a kind of lump that forms under the skin, which is composed of sebum. This type of lump is generally soft, can move to the touch and generally does not hurt, unless it becomes inflamed and in these cases it becomes red, hot, sensitive to the touch and painful, requiring medical treatment. Learn how to identify the sebaceous cyst.

How to treat: Generally, no treatment is required for the sebaceous cyst. However, if it becomes uncomfortable, grow more than 1 centimeter in diameter or cause pain due to inflammation or infection, it must be removed through surgery, which can be performed in the doctor's office, under local anesthesia. In addition, it may still be necessary to take an antibiotic about a week in advance to prevent infections.

3. Boils

The furuncle is an infection at the root of the hair, which causes a red, hot and painful lump, with the presence of pus, similar to a pimple, which usually disappears after a few days. However, if the boil does not improve in two weeks, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist or family doctor to treat the problem. Test to see if you have a boil.

How to treat: for the boil, you must take the area every day with water and antiseptic soap and apply warm compresses to the area, which help to remove the pus. If the problem persists, consult a dermatologist or family doctor to start using antibiotic ointments or using antibiotics in tablets, depending on the size and if there are others.

In addition, you should avoid squeezing or popping the boil, as it can aggravate the infection and spread it to other areas of the skin.

4. Cancer

In very rare cases, the appearance of a lump on the back can be a sign of basal cell carcinoma, which is a type of cancer that appears as small patches that grow slowly over time, but that do not affect other organs besides the skin.

This type of cancer usually develops in places more exposed to sunlight and is characterized by a small elevation in the skin, with the appearance of a wound that does not heal or bleeds repeatedly, pink or brownish color, where it may be possible observe blood vessels. Learn more about this disease.

How to treat: the signs must be observed by a dermatologist and if necessary, he can perform a biopsy to assess whether there are malignant cells. The treatment consists of laser surgery or cold application to the lesion site, to eliminate and remove the malignant cells. After surgery, tests should be done regularly to assess whether the cancer continues to grow or has healed.

When surgery does not work or there are many injuries, it may be necessary to have a few sessions of radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

When to go to the doctor

Generally, the appearance of a lump behind your back is not a cause for concern, however it is advisable to go to the doctor if the lump:

  • Grow; Drain pus; It is painful, red and hot to the touch; It is hard to the touch and does not move; Regrow after being removed.

In addition, if swelling occurs on the sides of the neck, armpit or groin that does not go away over time, you should also inform your doctor.

4 Causes of lump on the back