Home Symptoms 5 Causes of lumps, lumps or water in the neck, and what to do

5 Causes of lumps, lumps or water in the neck, and what to do


The lump in the neck can be caused by an inflamed tongue, a lump in the thyroid, or a contracture in the neck. These lumps can be painless or cause pain and discomfort, and can appear in different regions of the neck, such as the neck, behind the ears or in the anterior region of the neck, for example.

So, to get an idea of ​​the possible causes that can lead to the appearance of a lump in the neck, here are some situations that may be the source of the problem:

5 Causes That Cause Lumps On The Neck

1. Languages

When the lymph nodes are inflamed, they form tongues that manifest as lumps. These lumps can appear on the back of the neck or on the side behind the ear, depending on the ganglion that inflames, causing pain and discomfort to the touch.

Tongue can be caused by infections or inflammations such as inflammation of a tooth, flu, tonsillitis or otitis for example, and do not need specific treatment, as they end up passing when the cause of the problem is identified. Therefore, to treat the tongue you should consult the doctor so that he can identify and treat what is causing the inflammation in the lymph nodes and associate it with rest and good hydration. Learn more about this problem at Neck Tongue.

However, if after a while the tongue does not decrease in size or if you stop feeling pain, you should consult your doctor as it may be a symptom of a more serious problem such as Hodgkin's Lymphoma or Sarcoidosis for example.

2. Thyroid nodule

When a lump appears in the anterior neck, this may indicate the presence of a thyroid nodule, which should be evaluated by an endocrinologist. Usually thyroid nodules do not cause symptoms, but in some cases they can cause a sore throat, swollen neck or difficulty breathing and swallowing.

When these nodules appear, it is necessary to consult the endocrinologist, so that diagnostic tests such as biopsy can be performed, which identify whether the nodule is benign or whether there is a risk of cancer. See which exams may be indicated by the doctor in a lump on the neck may be Thyroid nodule.

If the nodule is benign, treatment may not be necessary, and monitoring is recommended, by means of ultrasounds and annual blood tests. On the other hand, if there is a risk of cancer, the doctor will initiate the appropriate treatment that may include taking medications such as Levothyroxine or radioactive iodine, and it may also be necessary to perform surgery to remove the nodule.

3. Contracture in the neck

Contractures in the neck can cause a painful lump to appear on the back of the neck and arise when the muscle contracts incorrectly and fails to return to its normal state when at rest. Generally, this type of lump is hard and comes with pain and discomfort in the affected region, and there is also a limitation in movements. See how to identify a muscle contracture by clicking here.

To treat a muscular contracture in the neck region, it is recommended to take a very hot water bath, apply hot compresses to the painful area, massage the region with anti-inflammatory ointments and stretch the neck muscles. In addition, the use of drugs to relax muscles such as Miosan or Dorflex can also be beneficial for the treatment of contracture.

When contractures do not subside, worsen or when pain persists for more than 7 days, it is recommended to consult a doctor or physical therapist to treat the problem.

4. Sebaceous cyst

Another possible cause that can lead to the appearance of a lump in the neck is sebaceous cysts, which form on the skin due to the accumulation of sebum.

These types of lumps or cysts usually measure a few centimeters and do not cause pain, but when they are inflamed they cause redness, pain and increased temperature in the region where they appear. The treatment of these lumps requires evaluation by a dermatologist, who may indicate that a minor surgery is performed to remove the cyst. Learn more about the treatment of sebaceous cysts.

5. Neck cancer

In the most severe cases, the appearance of a lump in the neck may indicate the presence of cancer and in these cases the lump is accompanied by other symptoms such as hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, a feeling of a ball in the throat, frequent choking, weight loss and malaise general.

In the presence of these symptoms it is recommended that you consult the doctor as soon as possible, so that he can make the diagnosis and indicate the best treatment.

5 Causes of lumps, lumps or water in the neck, and what to do