Home Symptoms High or low leukocytes: what can be

High or low leukocytes: what can be


Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are the cells responsible for defending the body against infections, diseases, allergies and colds, being part of the immunity of each person.

These cells are transported in the blood to be used whenever a virus, a bacterium, or any other foreign organism enters the human body, eliminating them and preventing them from causing health problems.

The normal value of leukocytes in the blood is between 4500 to 11000 leukocytes / mm³ of blood in adults, however this value can be changed due to some situations such as recent infections, stress or AIDS, for example. Understand how the white blood cell is made and how to interpret the results.

1. High leukocytes

The enlarged leukocytes, also known as leukocytosis, are characterized by a value greater than 11, 000 / mm³ in the blood test.

  • Possible causes: infection or recent illness, excessive stress, side effects of a drug, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, myelofibrosis or leukemia, for example; What the symptoms are : they are rare, but they can include fever above 38ºC, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, tingling in the arms and legs and loss of appetite;

In these cases, a general practitioner should be consulted to diagnose the cause of the enlarged leukocytes, since it may be necessary to do some specific treatment with antibiotics or corticosteroids.

2. Low leukocytes

Low leukocytes, also called leukopenia, appear when there are less than 4, 500 / mm³ leukocytes in the blood test.

  • Some causes: anemia, use of antibiotics and diuretics, malnutrition or weak immune system caused by HIV, leukemia, lupus or chemotherapy, for example; What are the symptoms: excessive tiredness, recurrent infections and colds, constant fever, headaches and abdominal pain;

If this happens, it is recommended to go to the general practitioner to diagnose the cause of the disease. However, in some cases, it is normal to have low white blood cells without a serious cause, and care should be taken to avoid colds and flu, which can happen more easily. See what symptoms can indicate low immunity.

What can be leukocytes in urine

It is normal to have leukocytes in the urine, as they are eliminated in the urine when their lifetime is over. However, during urinary infections or in situations of more serious diseases, such as cancer, the values ​​of leukocytes in the urine usually increase a lot.

Generally, high white blood cells in the urine generate signs and symptoms, such as foamy urine, fever, chills or blood in the urine, for example. In these cases, a general practitioner or a nephrologist should be consulted to diagnose the cause and initiate appropriate treatment. Know what foamy urine can mean.

In addition, high leukocytes in the urine can also be a sign of pregnancy, especially when accompanied by an increase in the number of proteins in the urine. In these cases, you should do the pregnancy test or consult the gynecologist to avoid false diagnoses.

High or low leukocytes: what can be