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Dry penis: 5 main causes and how to treat


Penis dryness refers to when the penis glans lack lubrication and therefore have a dry appearance. However, in these cases, it is also possible that the foreskin, which is the skin that covers the glans, may become dry and have small cracks.

Although most cases are not of great significance, being only a sign of a temporary allergic reaction, for example, in other cases it can be a sign of a more serious problem such as an infection or a chronic skin problem.

Thus, if the hangover is a constant discomfort, or if it takes more than 1 week to improve, it is recommended to consult a family doctor or urologist to identify the cause and start the most appropriate treatment, which may involve the use of ointments, antifungals or just the adoption of some daily care.

1. Use of some soaps

The use of soaps in the intimate area can cause the skin to dry out, as this is a very sensitive area that is easily attacked by the chemicals present in many soaps. When this happens, a slight inflammation of the skin appears which, although not visible to the naked eye, can cause the glans and even the foreskin to dry out.

What to do: often intimate hygiene can be done only with the use of water, however, if it is necessary to use a soap it is advisable to use a soap suitable for the intimate region or that is suitable for sensitive skin.

2. Prolonged sexual activity

Very prolonged sexual activity, whether through masturbation or intercourse, may cause the natural lubricant produced by the penis to be insufficient and, in such cases, dryness may result. Even if it is not very prolonged, very frequent sexual activity can also result in the same problem.

What to do: the ideal is to use a lubricant during this type of sexual activity, especially if a condom is not being used. The best options are water-based lubricants, as they are less likely to cause allergies and have fewer chemicals that can damage the skin.

3. Penile allergy

The presence of an allergic reaction in the penis is relatively common as it can have several causes. Some of the most common ones include the use of synthetic and very tight underwear, the use of intimate products with chemicals, such as parabens or glycerin, as well as the use of latex condoms.

In these cases, in addition to the dryness of the penis, other signs may also appear, such as redness in the area, swelling or itching, for example. See what other causes can cause itchiness in the penis.

What to do: To try to reduce the chances of developing an allergic reaction, you should give preference to underwear made of natural materials, such as cotton, and also avoid clothes that are too tight. In addition, if it is necessary to use any product in this area, it is advisable to use own products, that is, with few chemicals or, preferably, biological ones. If you have a known allergy, such as latex, you should avoid using products with this material, such as most condoms.

4. Infection in the penis

Penile infections usually happen due to the excessive growth of bacteria or fungi and can happen due to poor hygiene in the region, but they can also arise after an allergy in the area or by the transmission of a sexual disease, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, for example. Check out a list of the most common genital infections and how to identify them.

As with allergies, the infection is almost always accompanied by other symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching, peeling, pain when urinating and even pus coming out of the urethra.

What to do: Whenever an infection is suspected, especially due to pain when urinating or pus output, it is very important to consult a family doctor or urologist to identify the type of infection and start the most appropriate treatment, which may include use antibiotics or antifungals, both in the form of an ointment and a pill.

5. Skin problem

Although it is more rare, some skin problems can also be the cause of dryness in the penis. Some of the most common dermatological problems that can present this symptom include eczema or psoriasis, for example. However, it is common for these diseases to affect other locations of the skin more and, therefore, they are more easily identifiable when they appear elsewhere.

These situations are generally more common in men with sensitive skin, with allergies or who have a family history of skin problems. See the most common symptoms of psoriasis or eczema.

What to do: a dermatologist or urologist should be consulted if a skin problem is suspected, to start the most appropriate treatment.

Dry penis: 5 main causes and how to treat