Home Bulls How to do homemade or kit relactation

How to do homemade or kit relactation


Relactation is a widely used technique for breastfeeding in cases where mothers do not have milk or produce in small quantities, but it can also be used when the baby is premature and cannot hold the mother's nipple well.

In addition, relactation can also be done in babies who stopped breastfeeding a long time ago and in cases of adoptive mothers because sucking the baby when breastfeeding stimulates milk production.

For this, the technique is done using a very thin tube that is placed close to the nipple and, through which, the baby can suck the milk that is inside a syringe or proper container.

Step-by-step instructions for relacting with a probe

In order to make a home probe, you must:

  1. Buy a pediatric nasogastric tube number 4 or 5, according to the pediatrician's indication, in pharmacies or drugstores; Place the powdered milk in the bottle, cup or syringe, according to the mother's preference; Place a tip of the tube in the container chosen and the other end of the probe close to the nipple, secured with adhesive tape, for example.

In this way, the baby, when placing his mouth on the breast, simultaneously bites the nipple and the tube and when sucking, despite drinking powdered milk, he has the feeling of being suckling from the mother's breast. Here's how to choose the best artificial formula for your baby.

Another more practical solution for relactation is to buy a relactation kit from Mamatutti or Medela, in which the woman only has to put the powdered milk in the container and fix the tip of the probe close to the nipple.

How to relact with kit

To make contact with a kit from Mamatutti or Medela, for example, just put the artificial milk in the container and, if necessary, fix the probe in the mother's breast.

Relactation material should be washed with soap and water to remove all traces of milk after each use and boiled for 15 minutes before each use to be sterilized. In addition, the nasogastric tube or the kit tube should be changed after 2 or 3 weeks of use or when the baby has difficulty breastfeeding.

During the relactation process it is essential not to give the baby a bottle, so that it does not adapt to the bottle nipple and give up on the mother's breast. In addition, when the mother observes that she is already producing milk, she should slowly restrict the relactation technique and introduce breastfeeding.

How to do homemade or kit relactation