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Wheezing Baby Syndrome


The wheezing baby syndrome, also known as wheezing infant, is characterized by episodes of wheezing and coughing that often arise, usually caused by a hyper-reactivity of the newborn's lungs, which narrow in the presence of certain stimuli, such as a cold, allergy or reflux, for example.

The presence of wheezing in the chest is not always due to this syndrome, as only a wheezing baby is considered to be one who has:

  • 3 or more episodes of wheezing, or wheezing, over 2 months; or Continuous wheezing, which lasts at least 1 month.

The cure of this syndrome usually occurs naturally around the age of 2 to 3 years, but if the symptoms do not disappear, the doctor must consider other diseases, such as asthma. The treatment of crises is guided by the pediatrician, using inhaled medications, such as corticosteroids or bronchodilators.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of wheezing baby syndrome include:

  • Wheezing in the chest, known as wheezing or wheezing, which is a high-pitched sound that comes out when you exhale or release air; Stridor, which is a sound resulting from the turbulence of the air in the airways when you inhale; Cough, which can be dry or shortness of breath or tiredness;

If the lack of oxygen in the blood is persistent or severe, there may be a purification of the extremities, such as fingers and lips, a situation known as cyanosis.

How the treatment is done

To treat wheezing baby syndrome, it is important to identify if there is any cause and eliminate it, such as taking care of the cold or allergy, according to the pediatrician's guidelines.

In times of crisis, treatment is done with medications to reduce the inflammation and hyper-reactivity of the baby's respiratory tract, in times of crisis, usually composed of inhaled corticosteroids, such as Budesonide, Beclomethasone or Fluticasone, for example, corticosteroids in syrup, like Prednisolone, and bronchodilator pumps, like Salbutamol, Fenoterol or Salmeterol, for example.

In addition, it is important that preventive treatment of crises is carried out, avoiding infection by colds when preferring to keep the child in ventilated places, without crowding, in addition to offering a balanced diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, fish and grains and low in sugar and processed foods.

Physiotherapy treatment

Respiratory physiotherapy, using techniques to remove lung secretion or improve the ability to expand or deflate the lungs, is very useful in the treatment of babies with this syndrome, as it reduces symptoms, the number of crises and can help improve capacity respiratory.

It can be done weekly or whenever there is a crisis, with the indication of the doctor or physiotherapist, and must be done by a professional specialized in this area.

Causes of wheezing in the chest

The wheezing baby syndrome is usually caused by hyper-reactivity and narrowing of the airways, usually caused by colds, caused by viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, influenza or parainfluenza, for example, allergies or reactions to food, although it can happen without a clarified cause.

However, other causes of wheezing should be considered, and some are:

  • Reactions to environmental pollution, mainly cigarette smoke; Gastroesophageal reflux; Narrowing or malformations of the trachea, airways or lungs; Defects in the vocal cords; Cysts, tumors or other types of compressions in the airways.

Thus, when detecting wheezing symptoms, the pediatrician will be able to investigate its cause, through clinical evaluation and requesting tests such as chest X-rays, for example.

In addition to wheezing, another type of sound that indicates breathing problems in the baby is snoring, so it is important to identify the main causes and complications of this situation.

Wheezing Baby Syndrome