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What functional foods are and what they are for


Functional foods contain active substances that benefit the body, thus helping to slow the evolution of diseases such as diabetes or cancer and to promote health. In addition, functional foods also help to improve health problems, such as constipation, for example.

Another benefit of using functional foods is to help reduce expenses related to health care, such as medicines at the pharmacy, doctor's appointments or medical examinations, for example, because these foods strengthen the body and make the onset of diseases more difficult.

Functional foods

Other functional foods

List of functional foods and what they are for

Functional foods should be consumed in order to improve the quality and life expectancy of people, because due to their properties, they reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer and diabetes, for example. Some functional foods can be:

  • Sardines, chia seeds, nuts - are rich in omega 3, which helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, fight inflammation and help improve brain capabilities. Tomatoes, guava, watermelon - have large amounts of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps lower cholesterol and lower the risk of prostate cancer. Yogurt, kefir - foods with probiotics, which are good bacteria that regulate the intestine, preventing constipation and preventing the appearance of colon cancer. Corn, kiwi, zucchini - rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that prevent macular degeneration and the appearance of cataracts. Green tea, red grape, red wine - are foods with catechins that help prevent various types of cancer and strengthen the immune system. Corn, soybeans - have phytosterols that are substances that help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cereal bran, passion fruit, almonds with skin - foods rich in fiber help to regulate the intestine by decreasing the chances of getting colon cancer.

In addition, fibers help to reduce cholesterol by decreasing the absorption of fats, to control diabetes because they prevent sugar from rising quickly in the blood and to fight obesity by decreasing appetite. See more fiber rich foods at: Fiber rich foods.

Recipe with functional foods

Making a recipe with functional foods is very simple, see the example:

Functional soy salad


  • 1 glass with soy2 tomatoes1 onion2 cloves of garlic1 tablespoon of olive oil1 can of corn1 tablespoon of chia seeds2 tablespoons of chopped almonds with skin

Method of preparation

Boil the soy in 1 liter of water and let it sit for 1 hour. Sauté the tomatoes with the chopped olive oil, onion and garlic. Add soy and corn. Turn off the stove and finally add the chia seeds and chopped almonds.

For dessert, prefer kiwi, guava, watermelon, red grape or passion fruit because they are functional fruits.

If you don't like fruits and vegetables or trying new foods, watch the video below and learn what to do to try and start enjoying these foods.

What functional foods are and what they are for