Home Bulls Doderlein bacillus: know what excess can mean

Doderlein bacillus: know what excess can mean


Doderlein bacilli, also called lactobacilli, are bacteria that are part of the bacterial flora of the vagina. They are bacteria responsible for protecting the woman's intimate region and preventing the proliferation of microorganisms that can cause diseases, such as bacterial vaginosis, for example, in which there is a decrease in the amount of lactobacilli and a predominance of the bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis or Gardnerella mobiluncus . Understand what bacterial vaginosis is and how to treat it.

Lactobacilli protect the woman's intimate region by consuming glycogen, produced by the cells of the vagina under the influence of the hormone estrogen, and converting it to lactic acid, which leaves the vagina with a pH of around 3.8 - 4.5 and, thus, prevents the appearance and proliferation of bacteria and fungi that harm health.

What may mean excess Doderlein bacilli

Excessive Doderlein bacillus poses no risk to women's health and can even be considered beneficial, since they are protective bacteria in the female intimate region.

This excess can be perceived through a whitish and odorless discharge that normally does not present more serious symptoms, however in rarer cases, the woman may report typical symptoms of a urinary tract infection, such as itching, redness and burning when urinating. If these symptoms occur, it is important to go to the gynecologist to make the correct diagnosis, as it may be a bacterial or fungal infection.

Causes of decreased lactobacilli

Some situations can make women more susceptible to infections due to the decrease in the amount of Doderlein bacilli, such as:

  • Use of antibiotics; Poor hygiene of the intimate region; Low immunity; Use of tight clothing; Unprotected sex.

The amount of lactobacillus also decreases during the menstrual period, in the postpartum and breastfeeding period, because there is a decrease in the concentration of estrogen, which decreases the production of glycogen and, consequently, the conversion into lactic acid by the bacteria, increasing the pH of the vagina and allowing other bacteria to proliferate.

How the treatment is done

To recover the bacterial flora, that is, make the quantity of Doderlein bacilli return to normal, it is recommended to use probiotics that help in this process, such as the probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus . The reconstitution of the flora can also be done with a sitz bath in which the water contains an open probiotic capsule. See how to take lactobacilli in capsules.

In addition, it is important to have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, avoid wearing too tight clothes, always perform good hygiene in the intimate area and use cotton panties to preserve bacterial flora and prevent fungi and other bacteria from proliferating.

Doderlein bacillus: know what excess can mean