Home Symptoms Tension headache: what it is, symptoms and how to relieve

Tension headache: what it is, symptoms and how to relieve


Tension headache, also called tension headache, is a very common type of headache in women, although it can also happen in men, which is caused by the contraction of the neck muscles that can happen due to several factors such as poor posture, stress, anxiety or poor sleep, for example.

This headache can be classified into three types according to the frequency with which it appears in:

  • Uncommon tension headache, which occurs only 1 to 2 times a month; Very frequent tension headache, which occurs about 1 to 2 times a week; Chronic tension headache, which occurs more than 15 days a month, and can also last for months or years.

To alleviate the symptoms of tension headache it is important to be able to relax, either through massages, a hot bath, group activities or using medications that should be indicated by the doctor.

Symptoms of tension headache

The symptoms of tension headache can appear after periods of great physical or emotional stress, often being accompanied by tiredness lasting an average of 30 minutes. Other signs and symptoms of tension headache are:

  • Pain in the form of pressure, as if he had a helmet on his head; Pain that affects both sides, on the neck or on the forehead; Excessive sensitivity in the shoulders, neck and hairy curl;

Unlike migraine, tension headache pains are not accompanied by nausea or vomiting and are not aggravated by physical activity, light or smells, for example. Here's how to identify each type of headache.

Tension headache can appear several times during the month, and when it happens more than 15 times it is recommended to consult a neurologist to start treatment with medications that help prevent its onset.

Main causes

Tension headache can happen as a consequence of several situations that can favor the contractions and the stiffening of the muscles of the neck region, such as stress, excessive worry, anxiety, emotional tension, depression and cervical pain. In addition, tension headache may be due to changes in sleep and appetite and eye strain.

How to relieve tension headache

To relieve this type of headache it is very important to be able to relax and, for that, you can massage the scalp, take a hot bath or do an activity that you enjoy, for example. Other options that can be indicated to relieve tension headache are:

1. Remedies

The use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are effective when it is an uncommon or very frequent headache, helping to relieve symptoms. However, in the case of chronic tension headache, these remedies may not have the same effect, and the use of stronger medications, such as Sumatriptan and Zolmitriptan, for example, may be recommended by the doctor.

In addition, it is also important to avoid all situations that can cause physical or emotional tension, such as staying in the same position for a long time, sleeping in an inappropriate position or organizing work to do in a short time.

2. Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy sessions can also be very important in some cases to stretch the muscles in the neck and head, facilitating relaxation and improving blood circulation to the location that reduces the onset of symptoms. Here are some exercises you can do to stretch your neck muscles.

3. Massage to relieve tension headache

Scalp massage is also great for helping to relax and relieve tension headache symptoms, and can be done by following the steps below:

  1. Leave the hair loose and support both hands on the head, without rings or bracelets; Make a light massage with the fingertips, in circular movements from the neck to the entire scalp; Hold firmly the part near the root of the hair and pull it gently, making circular movements until all the hair has already been "pulled"; gently turn the neck from side to side, and from front to back and feel the relief that comes gradually.

To improve the effect of this massage, you should also take a relaxing hot bath beforehand, so that the muscles can stretch more easily and relieve any accumulated tension. In addition, natural painkillers such as the following can be associated:

Tension headache: what it is, symptoms and how to relieve