Sinusopathy, better known as sinusitis, is a disease that occurs when the sinuses become inflamed and this leads to the formation of secretions that obstruct the mucosa of the nose and the bony cavities of the face. Symptoms of sinusopathy can be pressure-type headache, presence of greenish or yellowish phlegm, cough and fever and are most often associated with other diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis.
Generally, sinus disease is caused by a virus responsible for the flu, but it can also be caused by infection by bacteria and fungi, and in these cases sinus disease can be chronic, that is, it persists for more than eight weeks.
Treatment is indicated by an otolaryngologist and depends on the cause and severity of sinusopathy, however, it mainly consists of nasal lavage with saline and medicines to relieve symptoms, and the use of antibiotics may be recommended for people with bacterial sinusopathy. See more how to do nasal lavage for sinusitis.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of sinusopathy often appear after a flu, cold or rhinitis attack and can be:
- Headache; Increased sensitivity around the cheeks, eyes and forehead; Stuffy nose; Cough; Yellow or green phlegm; Reduced smell; Fever.
In some cases, sinus disease can be confused with a dental problem, because it can also cause toothache and bad breath. In children, signs of sinusopathy can also include irritability, difficulty feeding and mouth breathing most of the time.
How the diagnosis is made
The diagnosis of sinusopathy can be made by a general practitioner, but more often it is performed by the otorhinolaryngologist through physical examination and analysis of a person's symptoms, however, it may be recommended to perform some tests, such as nasofibroscopy, which serves to evaluate the nasal cavity and other structures, through a thin tube with a camera at its end. Learn more about how nasofibroscopy is done.
The doctor may also order exams such as computed tomography, as it is considered the best imaging technique to diagnose sinus disease, as it is possible to observe the structures of the face, the presence of secretions and bone thickening of the sinus walls. The X-ray, nowadays is not used as much, because it is not able to show accurate images of the sinuses, however it can still be indicated by some doctors.
In addition, the doctor may also order a microbiology test, if there are signs and symptoms indicative of sinusopathy as a result of infection by fungi or bacteria. This examination is done by collecting the nasal secretion that is sent to the laboratory in order to identify which microorganism is causing sinusopathy. Most of the time, the microbiological examination is indicated for people who do not respond to conventional treatment and who have recurrent episodes of this condition.
What types
Sinusopathy is an inflammation of the sinuses, which are bony cavities in the face, which can affect both sides of the face, called bilateral sinusopathy and can be classified according to the affected part, such as:
- Ethmoidal sinusopathy: occurs when inflammation in the region around the eyes; Sphenoid sinusopathy: it is the inflammatory process of the part behind the eyes; Frontal sinusopathy: it happens in cases where the inflammation affects the cavities of the forehead region; Maxillary sinus disease: it consists of inflammation of the sinuses that are located on the cheekbone.
Often, sinusopathy can appear in several parts of the face, as these structures are very close to each other and this can cause more severe pain in the head.
In addition, this condition can be acute, which is when sinus disease lasts less than 4 weeks and is caused mainly by viruses and can also be chronic in which sinus disease persists for 8 to 12 weeks. Check out more what is chronic sinusitis and symptoms.
Treatment options
The treatment for sinusopathy depends on the affected area, the severity of the symptoms and the causes, but it usually consists of performing nasal lavage with saline, as this helps to eliminate secretions and moisturize the nose mucosa. It may be recommended to use decongestant sprays to unclog the nose, antiallergic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and, in some cases, corticosteroids.
When the doctor confirms that sinus disease is caused by bacteria, he will prescribe antibiotics, which can be amoxicillin, doxycycline or clarithromycin, which must be used for a period of at least 7 days or according to the doctor's recommendation, even if the symptoms disappear. Some natural remedies can be used to improve symptoms of sinusopathy, such as inhaling eucalyptus vapor. Check out more other types of home remedies for sinusitis.
In addition, the doctor may recommend surgical treatment in cases where the person does not respond to treatment with the indicated medications, when there is a worsening of the clinical condition such as increased secretion and nasal obstruction, or when sinusopathy is associated with some persistent symptoms of lung problems.
Possible causes
Sinusopathy is a disease caused by inflammation of the sinuses that leads to obstruction and swelling of these bony cavities of the face and can be caused by respiratory allergies, such as allergic rhinitis, which make the nose unable to perform its functions properly, contributing to the entry of viruses and bacteria in this region.
In addition, there are other factors that can lead to the onset of sinusopathy such as cigarette smoking, low immunity, dental infections and asthma. See more what is asthma and the main symptoms.
Watch a video with important tips on how to make home remedies to improve sinus symptoms: