SlimCaps is a food supplement whose disclosure has been suspended by ANVISA since 2015 due to the lack of scientific evidence to prove its effects on the body.
Initially, SlimCaps was indicated mainly for people who wanted to lose weight and abdominal fat, since its constituents stimulated metabolism, decreased abdominal fat, decreased hunger and increased energy, in addition to reducing anxiety levels.
Does SlimCaps work?
The performance of SlimCaps in the body is not scientifically proven, and it is not possible to say whether it is effective or not with regard to weight loss. However, the supplement is composed of natural substances that are important for the body, including to help with weight loss, such as:
- Safflower oil, which is rich in omega 3, 6 and 9, phytosterols and vitamin E, increases satiety, improving blood circulation and ensuring a sense of well-being, for example; Vitamin E, which is an important vitamin for the proper functioning of the body, since it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties; Chia seeds, which are rich in omega-3, antioxidants, calcium, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. In addition, chia seeds form a kind of gel in the stomach, reducing the feeling of hunger and, thus, helping in the weight loss process; Caffeine, which is a stimulating substance and which in addition to providing energy, speeds up metabolism and thus promotes weight loss.
The product consists of two different types of capsules, SlimCaps Day and SlimCaps Night, whose recommendation is to take in the morning, before breakfast, and after dinner, respectively. SlimCaps Night functioned to form a gel in the stomach and, thus, reduce hunger, while SlimCaps Day acted in thermogenesis, causing the body to use fat as an energy source and, thus, there would be a decrease in abdominal fat and the silhouette would be remodeled.
Among the effects described by the manufacturer, SlimCaps is useful for controlling the activity of the enzyme responsible for increasing fat cells, decreasing the concentration of bad cholesterol, stimulating the immune system, controlling appetite, preventing premature aging and promoting the burning of fat without the need for physical exercise.
Side effects
Despite being made up only of natural products, some SlimCaps users reported that some symptoms were noticed after the start of using this supplement, such as headache, insomnia, altered heartbeat, increased blood pressure, increased sweat production and dryness in the mouth, in addition to redness, itching and the appearance of red spots on the skin, for example.
Due to the lack of scientific proof of the efficiency of SlimCaps, the suspension of disclosure of SlimCaps was determined.