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Malignant neoplasm: what it is, diagnosis and treatment


Malignant neoplasm, cancer or malignant tumor, is characterized by the uncontrolled and abnormal proliferation of cells due to changes in DNA or lifestyle, and these cells can spread throughout the body and compromise the body in general.

Despite the malignant cells proliferating in an autonomous and uncontrolled way, the early diagnosis of the malignant neoplasm and the rapid initiation of treatment can result in a cure, improving the person's quality of life.

Why it happens

Malignant neoplasm happens due to the uncontrolled and abnormal proliferation of malignant cells, which can happen due to DNA changes due to genetics or habits, such as smoking, nutritionally poor food and rich in fried foods, consumption of alcoholic beverages, viral infections and exposure to toxic substances or radiation, for example. Learn more about neoplasms.

Malignant cells multiply quickly and can spread to other organs and tissues, since these cells have autonomous behavior, featuring metastasis, which makes treatment and cure more difficult to happen.

Malignant neoplasm is cancer?

Cancer and malignancy are the same, that is, when the exam indicates that there is a malignancy or that the presence of malignant cells has been observed, it means that the person has cancer.

In such cases, it is extremely important that tests are done to confirm the diagnosis and that treatment is started as soon as possible to avoid metastasis and increase the person's chances of cure.

How to identify

The identification of cancer can happen through the observation of some symptoms, such as:

  • Weight loss without apparent cause; Persistent cough; Fever; Pain when urinating or dark urine; Intense tiredness; Lumps appearing, especially in the breast, for example; Appearance of spots on the skin.

Symptoms of malignant neoplasia may vary according to the type and location of the cancer, however in the presence of any symptoms indicative of cancer, it is important to go to the general practitioner to make the diagnosis. Know other symptoms of malignancy.

The diagnosis is made based on the symptoms presented by the patient, in addition to imaging and laboratory tests that are recommended by the doctor. Imaging exams, such as MRI or tomography, for example, can be indicated in order to identify the location of the tumor.

Regarding laboratory tests, the doctor may request a complete blood count and biochemical tests, in addition to the measurement of tumor markers, which are substances produced by the cells or by the tumor itself, indicating the presence of a malignant neoplasm. In addition, the doctor may request a histopathological examination, which aims to confirm the malignancy of the cells. Find out which tests identify cancer.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for malignant neoplasm is done with the objective of decreasing the rate of proliferation of malignant cells, avoiding metastasis and improving the person's quality of life. Usually the doctor recommends surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy according to the type of cancer and its characteristics.

Surgery can be indicated in cases where the metastasis has not yet occurred and where the tumor or part of it can be removed. However, in some cases surgery may not be indicated due to its location and blood supply at the site, and other treatments are recommended by the doctor. Generally after surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy is recommended in order to eliminate any malignant cells that have not been removed.

Chemotherapy is the most recommended treatment in the case of cancer and is done with the use of specific drugs against the tumor that can be administered orally or intravenously. Radiotherapy is also a treatment option for malignant neoplasms and consists of applying radiation to the tumor site, decreasing its size and preventing it from spreading to other regions of the body. Learn more about cancer treatment.

Is malignant neoplasia curable?

It is possible to achieve a cure when the malignant neoplasm is identified early and treatment is started quickly, as this way it is possible to prevent metastasis, which is the spread of the malignant cells to other parts of the body, which makes treatment difficult. Understand how metastasis happens.

Malignant neoplasm: what it is, diagnosis and treatment