Home Symptoms Pain in the left arm: what can be and what to do

Pain in the left arm: what can be and what to do


There are several causes that can be the source of pain in the left arm, which are generally easy to treat. However, in some cases, pain in the left arm can be a sign of a serious problem and be a medical emergency, such as a heart attack or a fracture, so it is important to pay attention to other symptoms that may appear simultaneously.

The most common causes that may be the source of the arm pain are:

1. Heart attack

Acute myocardial infarction, also known as a heart attack, consists of interrupting the passage of blood to the heart, causing the death of cardiac cells in that region, which generates chest pain that radiates to the arm, a very characteristic symptom of the infarction.

This pain in the chest and arm may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as dizziness, malaise, nausea, cold sweat or pallor.

What to do: In the presence of some of these symptoms, you should look for a hospital or call 192 to call SAMU, especially in cases of history of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol. Know what the treatment consists of.

2. Angina

Angina is characterized by a feeling of heaviness, pain or tightness in the chest, which can radiate to the arm, shoulder or neck and which is caused by a decrease in blood flow through the arteries that carry oxygen to the heart. Angina is usually triggered by effort or moments of great emotion.

What to do: Treatment depends on the type of angina that the person has, and may include anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, vasodilators or beta-blockers, for example.

3. Shoulder bursitis

Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial bursa, which is a kind of cushion that is located inside a joint, whose function is to prevent friction between the tendon and the bone. Thus, the inflammation of this structure, can cause symptoms such as pain in the shoulder and arm, difficulty in raising the arm above the head, weakness in the muscles of the region and a sensation of local tingling that radiates to the arm.

What to do: The treatment of bursitis can be done with the use of anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, rest and physical therapy sessions. Learn more about the pharmacological treatment of bursitis.

4. Fracture

Fractures in the arms, forearms and collarbone are the most common and can cause severe pain in the region. In addition, other symptoms that may occur are swelling and deformity of the site, inability to move the arm, bruising and numbness and tingling in the arm.

In addition, injuries or blows to the arm can also cause pain in the region for a few days, even if there is no fracture.

What to do: If a fracture occurs, the person must urgently go to the doctor to be evaluated, with the help of an X-ray. Treatment can be done using limb immobilization, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs and, later, physical therapy.

5. Herniated disc

Disc hernia consists of the bulging of the intervertebral disc which, depending on the region of the spine where it occurs, can generate symptoms such as back pain that radiates to the arms and neck, feeling of weakness or tingling in one of the arms and difficulty in moving the neck or raise your arms.

What to do: Usually, the treatment of herniated discs consists of the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy and osteopathy sessions and exercises, such as RPG, hydrotherapy or Pilates.

6. Tendonitis

Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons that can be caused by repetitive efforts. Tendonitis in the shoulder, elbow or arm can cause symptoms such as pain in the region that can radiate to the arm, difficulty in performing movements with the arm, weakness in the arm and feeling of hooks or cramps in the shoulder.

What to do: Treatment can be done with painkillers and anti-inflammatories and with the application of ice, however, it is also important to identify and suspend the activity that led to the appearance of the problem. Learn more about treatment.

In addition to these causes, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or Sjogren's syndrome can also cause pain in the arm.

Pain in the left arm: what can be and what to do