- Anatomy of the respiratory system
- How breathing happens
- Diseases affecting the respiratory system
- When to go to the doctor
- Doctor treating respiratory diseases
The main purpose of breathing is to bring oxygen to all the cells in the body and remove the carbon dioxide that is the result of the oxygen already used by the cells.
For this to happen there is inspiration, which is when air enters the lungs, and exhalation, which is when air leaves the lungs, and despite this process happening all the time, there are many details involved.
Anatomy of the respiratory system
According to anatomy, the organs responsible for breathing in humans are:
- Nasal fossa: Responsible for filtering air particles, regulating the temperature at which the air reaches the lungs, and perceiving odors and the presence of viruses or bacteria. Upon perceiving the presence of these microorganisms, the body's defense system 'closes' the nasal cavities, causing the 'stuffy nose'. Pharynx, larynx and trachea: After passing through the nasal cavities, the air is taken towards the larynx, where the vocal cords are, and then towards the trachea, which divides into 2, until reaching the lungs: right and left. The trachea is a tube that contains cartilaginous rings throughout its structure, which act in a protective way, preventing it from closing when the person turns the neck on its side, for example. Bronchi: After the trachea, the air reaches the bronchi, which are two structures, similar to a tree turned upside down, which is why it is also called a bronchial tree. The bronchi are further subdivided into smaller areas, which are the bronchioles, which are full of cilia and produce mucus (phlegm) that serves to eliminate microorganisms. Alveoli: The last structure of the respiratory system is the alveoli, which are directly connected to blood vessels. Here oxygen passes into the blood, where it can reach all cells in the body. This process is called gas exchange, because in addition to taking oxygen into the blood, it removes carbon dioxide, present in the blood. Oxygen-rich blood is present in the arteries, while 'dirty' blood, full of carbon dioxide, is present in the veins. As you exhale, all carbon dioxide is eliminated from the body.
To help in the movement of the breath there are also the respiratory muscles (intercostal) and the diaphragm.
How breathing happens
Breathing happens innately, since the baby is born, without having to remember, because it is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. For breathing to happen, the person breathes in atmospheric air, which passes through the nasal fossae, through the pharynx, larynx, trachea, and when it reaches the lungs, the air still passes through the bronchi, bronchioles, until finally reaching the alveoli, where oxygen passes directly for blood. See what happens:
- On inspiration: the intercostal muscles between the ribs contract and the diaphragm goes down, increasing the space for the lungs to fill with air, and the internal pressure decreases; On exhalation: the intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax and the diaphragm rises, the volume of the rib cage decreases, the internal pressure increases, and the air leaves the lungs.
Shortness of breath occurs when there is a change in the respiratory system, which prevents the entry or exit of air, and consequently gas exchange is inefficient, and the blood has more carbon dioxide than oxygen.
Diseases affecting the respiratory system
Some examples of diseases of the respiratory system are:
Flu or cold: happens when viruses enter the respiratory system. In the cold, the virus is only in the nasal cavities and can reach the pharynx, causing nasal congestion and discomfort. In the case of the flu, the virus can reach the lungs with fever and a lot of phlegm in the chest. Know what they are and how to treat flu symptoms
Asthma: it happens in periods when the person has a decrease in bronchi or bronchioles, with a small production of mucus. the air passes more difficultly through these structures and the person emits a high-pitched sound with each inspiration.
Bronchitis: causes a contraction and inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles. The result of this inflammation is the production of mucus, which can be expelled in the form of phlegm, but which can also be swallowed when it reaches the pharynx, being directed to the stomach. Check out the symptoms and treatment of asthmatic bronchitis
Allergy: it happens when the person's immune system is very reactive and understands that certain substances present in the air are very harmful to health, causing warning signs whenever the person is exposed to dust, perfumes or pollen, for example.
Pneumonia: it is usually caused by the entry of viruses or bacteria, but it can also happen due to the presence of foreign objects, remains of food or vomit inside the lungs, causing fever and difficulty breathing. A flu can get worse and cause pneumonia, but a cold does not have that possibility. Check all the signs and symptoms of pneumonia
Tuberculosis: usually occurs when a bacillus enters the lungs through the airways, causing fever, coughing with a lot of phlegm, and sometimes blood. This disease is very contagious and passes through the air through contact with the secretions of the sick individual. Treatment is extremely important because the bacillus can reach the blood and spread throughout the body, causing tuberculosis outside the lungs.
When to go to the doctor
Whenever there are symptoms such as difficulty breathing, wheezing on inhalation, fever, coughing with phlegm with or without blood, it is important to seek medical help so that this professional can assess the person and identify which disease they have, and which treatment is the most indicated, because it can use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and sometimes hospitalization.
Doctor treating respiratory diseases
In the case of more common symptoms such as the flu or cold, you can make an appointment with a general practitioner, especially if you have not yet attended any appointments due to respiratory complaints. This doctor can listen to your lungs, check for a fever, and look for other signs and symptoms characteristic of respiratory diseases. But in the case of chronic diseases, such as asthma or bronchitis, it may be indicated to seek help from a physician specialized in pneumology, because he is more used to treating patients with this type of disease, having greater training to guide treatment and follow-up throughout person's life.