Home Bulls Orap



Orap is an antipsychotic remedy for oral use that has Pimozide as its active ingredient. This medication acts on the nervous system, blocking a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Its action influences information processing and helps to reduce nervous tics.

Orap is produced by the Janssen pharmaceutical laboratory.

Orap indications

Orap is indicated for the treatment of chronic schizophrenia, neurotic emotional instability and is used as an adjunct, associated with neuroleptics in the treatment of psychosis.

Orap Price

The price of Orap varies between 8 and 10 reais, depending on the dosage.

How to use Orap

How to use Orap can be:


  • Administer 2 to 4 mg, in a single daily dose (preferably in the morning). If the individual does not have a satisfactory response to treatment, the daily dose may increase by 2 to 4 mg over a week.


  • Administer 1/3 to ½ of the adult dose daily.

In children, the recommended dose is half that used in adults.

Side Effects of Orap

Side effects of Orap may be an inability to remain seated due to anxiety, dry mouth, drowsiness, weakness, sedation, changes in behavior, loss or difficulty in moving.

Contraindications to Orap

Orap is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women, individuals with cardiac arrhythmia and who are hypersensitive to any component of the formula.

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