Home Bulls Boswellia serrata, an excellent natural anti-inflammatory

Boswellia serrata, an excellent natural anti-inflammatory


Boswellia Serrata is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory to combat joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis and to speed recovery after exercising because it contains properties that help fight the inflammatory process, even chronic inflammations such as asthma and osteoarthritis.

This medicinal plant is also known by the name Frankincense, it is popularly used in Ayurvedic medicine, common in India. It can be purchased at some health food stores and drugstores in the form of capsules, extract or essential oil. The part of the Frankincense used for medicinal purposes is the resin of the tree.

When is indicated

Boswellia serrata can be used to treat joint pain, recover from muscle injuries after physical activity, fight asthma, colitis, Crohn's disease, swelling, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, wounds, boils and to delay menstruation since the woman don't be pregnant.

Its properties include anti-inflammatory, astringent, aromatic, antiseptic, stimulating, tonic and rejuvenating action.

How to use

Boswellia serrata should be taken as directed by the doctor or herbalist, but it is usually indicated:

  • In capsules: Take about 300 mg, 3 times a day for the treatment of asthma, colitis, edema, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis; In essential oil: can be used as poultice for wounds, just add essential oil in a compress and apply over the affected region.

In capsule form, the recommended dose of boswellia serrata varies between 450 mg to 1.2 g per day, always divided into 3 daily doses, which must be taken every 8 hours but the doctor may indicate another dosage, if you think it is better for you.

Side effects

Boswellia serrata is generally well tolerated with the only side effect being mild abdominal discomfort and diarrhea, and if these manifest themselves, the dose taken should be reduced. However, it is not recommended to take this food supplement without the doctor's knowledge or as a substitute for the medicines indicated by the doctor.

When not to use

Boswellia serrata should not be used during pregnancy because it can promote uterine contraction, which can lead to miscarriage. Nor has the safety of this plant been established in children and women who are breastfeeding, so the safest thing to do is not to use this plant in children under 12 and during lactation.

Boswellia serrata, an excellent natural anti-inflammatory