Home Bulls Benefits of chia oil and how to take

Benefits of chia oil and how to take


Chia seed oil in capsules helps to lose weight, when associated with a healthy diet, because it is rich in fiber, increasing satiety and controlling appetite.

In addition, this oil can also be used to control diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and regulate the intestine, due to its high content of omega 3, fiber and antioxidants.

Chia oil can be purchased in the form of capsules at pharmacies, health food stores or online, which makes it easier to eat.


The price of chia seed oil capsules costs between 40 to 70 reais, for a pack of 120 capsules of 500 mg.

Main benefits of chia oil

The benefits of chia seed oil in capsules include:

  • Helps to lose weight, facilitating the burning of fat; Increases the feeling of satiety; Regulates the intestine, fighting constipation; Controls blood sugar levels; Regulates high blood pressure and decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases; Decreases cholesterol bad and increases good cholesterol; Improve the health of skin and hair; Delays aging; Strengthens the immune system.

Chia seed oil in capsules has these benefits all because it is rich in omega 3, omega 6, omega 9 and fiber and because it is a source of vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium and protein.

See also a recipe for pancakes with chia seeds and fight constipation in a delicious and healthy way.

How to take the capsules

The recommended dose of chia seed oil in capsules is 1 to 2 capsules of 500 mg before lunch and dinner.

Possible side effects

Because it is a natural product, it is well tolerated by the body, and side effects of chia oil in capsules have not yet been described.

Who should not take

Chia seed oil in capsules should only be consumed by pregnant women, breastfeeding women or children under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.

Benefits of chia oil and how to take