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What is methotrexate for


Methotrexate tablet is a remedy indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and severe psoriasis that does not respond to other treatments. In addition, methotrexate is also available as an injection, used in chemotherapy to treat cancer.

This remedy is available in the form of a pill or injection and can be found in pharmacies under the names of Tecnomet, Enbrel and Endofolin, for example.

What is it for

Methotrexate in tablets is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, since it has effects on the immune system, decreasing inflammation, its action being noticed from the 3rd week of treatment. In the treatment of psoriasis, methotrexate decreases the proliferation and inflammation of skin cells and its effects are noticed 1 to 4 weeks after the start of treatment.

Injectable methotrexate is indicated to treat severe psoriasis and the following types of cancer:

  • Gestational trophoblastic neoplasms; Acute lymphocytic leukemia; Small cell lung cancer; Head and neck cancer; Breast cancer; Osteosarcoma; Treatment and prophylaxis of lymphoma or meningeal leukemia; Palliative therapy for inoperable solid tumors; Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and Burund's lymphoma.

How to use

1. Rheumatoid arthritis

The recommended oral dose can be 7.5 mg, once a week or 2.5 mg, every 12 hours, for three doses, administered as a cycle, once a week.

The dosages for each regimen should be adjusted gradually to achieve an optimal response, but should not exceed a total weekly dose of 20 mg.

2. Psoriasis

The recommended oral dose is 10 - 25 mg per week, until an adequate response is achieved or, alternatively, 2.5 mg, every 12 hours, for three doses.

The dosages in each regimen can be adjusted gradually to achieve an optimal clinical response, avoiding exceeding the dose of 30 mg per week.

For cases of severe psoriasis, where injectable methotrexate is used, a single dose of 10 to 25 mg per week should be administered until an adequate response is obtained. Learn to identify the symptoms of psoriasis and what essential care you should take.

3. Cancer

The therapeutic dose range of methotrexate for oncological indications is very wide, depending on the type of cancer, body weight and conditions of the patient.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that may occur during treatment with methotrexate tablets are severe headache, neck stiffness, vomiting, fever, redness of the skin, increased uric acid and reduction in the number of sperm, appearance of mouth ulcers, inflammation of the tongue and gums, diarrhea, reduced white blood cell and platelet count, kidney failure and pharyngitis.

Who should not use

Methotrexate tablet is contraindicated for patients with allergy to methotrexate or any component of the formulation, pregnant women, lactating women, people with compromised immune systems, severe liver or kidney dysfunction and changes in blood cells such as reduced blood cell counts white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.

What is methotrexate for