Home Bulls Narcan: the drug that can save in case of overdose

Narcan: the drug that can save in case of overdose


Narcan is a medicine that contains Naloxone, a substance that is able to cancel the effects of opioid drugs, such as Morphine, Methadone, Tramadol or Heroin, in the body, especially during episodes of overdose.

Thus, Narcan is often used as an emergency medicine in cases of overdose by opioids, preventing the onset of serious complications, such as respiratory arrest, which can be life-threatening in a few minutes.

Although this medication can completely nullify the drug's effect in cases of overdose and save the person's life, it is very important to go to the hospital to assess all vital signs and start another type of treatment, if necessary. See how treatment is done in case of overdose.

How to use Narcan

Narcan should ideally only be administered by a healthcare professional at the hospital, even in overdose situations. The form of administration that presents the fastest result is to apply the medicine directly in the vein, with effect within 2 minutes.

In some cases, the effect of the drug that caused the overdose may last longer than that of Narcan, which is approximately 2 hours, so it may be necessary to administer several doses during the treatment of an overdose. Thus, the person needs to be hospitalized for at least 2 or 3 days.

In very rare situations, the doctor may prescribe Narcan for personal use, especially if there is a very high risk of someone overdosing. However, the form of administration of the drug must be previously indicated by the doctor, and the dose must be adapted according to the weight and type of drug used. The best way to avoid the complications of an overdose is always to avoid using the drug, so here's how to combat drug use.

How to use Narcan Spray

Narcan nasal spray is not yet on sale in Brazil, and can only be purchased in the United States of America, with medical indication.

In this form, the medication should be sprayed directly into one of the nostrils of the person who is overdosing. If there is no improvement in the condition, you can do another spray after 2 or 3 minutes. Spraying can be done every 3 minutes if there is no improvement and until the arrival of the medical team.

How Narcan works

It is not yet completely known how the effect of naloxone present in Narcan arises, however, this substance seems to bind to the same receptors used by opioid drugs, reducing its effect on the body.

Due to its effects, this medication can also be used in the postoperative period of surgery, to reverse the effect of anesthesia, for example.

Possible side effects

The side effects of this medication are not yet fully known, but some effects that may be related to its use include vomiting, nausea, agitation, tremors, shortness of breath, or changes in blood pressure.

Who should not use

Narcan is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to naloxone or any other component of the formula. In addition, it should only be used in pregnant women or women breastfeeding with the indication of the obstetrician.

Narcan: the drug that can save in case of overdose