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What is periodontil used for


Periodontil is a remedy that has in its composition an association of its active substances, spiramycin and metronidazole, with anti-infectious action, specific for diseases of the mouth.

This remedy can be found in pharmacies, but it can only be sold upon presentation of a prescription or from the dentist.

What is it for

Periodontil is indicated as an adjunct to periodontal surgery, such as gum surgery and flap operations. In addition, it is also indicated in acute infections of the mouth, localized or generalized, such as:

  • Stomatitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the mouth. Learn how to identify an aphthous stomatitis; Gingivitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the gum tissue. See how to recognize the symptoms of gingivitis; Periodontitis, which consists of inflammation and loss of connective tissues that surround and support the teeth. Know the symptoms and causes of a periodontitis.

Before carrying out treatment with this medication, the doctor must be informed of other medications that the person is taking.

What is the dosage

The recommended dose of Periodontil is 4 to 6 tablets a day, for 5 to 10 days, which can be divided into 3 or 4 doses, preferably with meals. The tablets should be swallowed without chewing and with about half a glass of water.

Who should not use

Periodontil should not be used by people who are allergic to the active substances, any other component present in the formula or in combination with disulfiram.

In addition, this remedy is contraindicated for children under 6 years old, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Possible side effects

Periodontil is generally a well-tolerated medicine, however, in rare cases, some side effects such as stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, oral mucositis, changes in taste, anorexia, pancreatitis, tongue discoloration, peripheral sensory neuropathy, headaches, convulsions, dizziness, confusion and hallucinations and depressed mood.

In addition, visual changes, increased liver enzymes, hepatitis, changes in blood tests, rash, flushing, hives, itching, pustular rashes, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, QT prolongation on the electrocardiogram, ventricular arrhythmia may also occur, ventricular tachycardia, torsade de pointes and fever.

What is periodontil used for