Home Bulls Phosfoenema



Phosfoenema is a laxative medication that has the active substance Sodium Phosphate.

This medicine for rectal use is indicated for the treatment of constipation. Its mechanism of action consists of draining water into the intestine, which is dilated and stimulates the movements that cause evacuation.

This action reduces the abdominal pain and discomfort caused by constipation.

Indications of Phosphenema


Phosfoenema Price

A 130 ml bottle of Phosphoenema costs between 7, 50 and 12 reais.

Side effects of Phosphenema

Abdominal colic.

Contraindications for Phosphenema

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; patients with appendicitis; dehydration; pain in the abdomen; swelling; cardiac insufficiency; renal insufficiency; nausea; bowel obstruction; patients who must have limited sodium intake; perforation in the intestines; high pressure; vomiting; undiagnosed rectal bleeding.

How to use Phosphoenema

Rectal use


  • Administer 130 ml of Phosfoenema rectally.

Children over 2 years

  • Administer 65 ml of Phosfoenema rectally.