Home Bulls Wasp bite: what to do, how long it lasts and what symptoms

Wasp bite: what to do, how long it lasts and what symptoms


The wasp bite is usually very uncomfortable as it causes severe pain, swelling and intense redness at the sting site. However, these symptoms are especially related to the size of the stinger, not the intensity of the poison.

Although these insects may appear to be more poisonous than a wasp, they are not and, therefore, cause milder symptoms, since the stinger does not stay at the site of the bite releasing more poison, as in the case of wasps. Thus, there is no need to remove the stinger before starting treatment.

To relieve symptoms, what you should do is:

  1. Wash the area with soap and water to prevent microorganisms from entering the bite, which can worsen the skin's reaction; Apply a cold compress over the bite site for 5 to 10 minutes. To do so, dip a compress or clean cloth in ice water, remove excess water and place on the spot; Apply an antihistamine ointment to stings, such as Polaramine or Polaryn.

The application of the cold compress can be repeated several times during the day, whenever you feel the need to relieve swelling or pain. The ointment should be applied only 3 to 4 times a day, or according to the manufacturer's instructions.

In most cases, these steps are sufficient to improve the symptoms and relieve the discomfort caused by the bite in a few minutes, however, if the pain does not improve or the symptoms become more intense, preventing hand movement, for example, it is very important go to the hospital, as a severe allergic reaction may be developing, which needs to be treated with more specific remedies.

Usually, wasp bites only when it feels threatened, so wasp nests that are out of reach usually do not cause any problems.

How long does it take to deflate

In many cases, the swelling of the wasp bite lasts only 1 day, improving considerably after applying the cold compress. However, people who are more sensitive to insect venom may have a more exaggerated reaction, which makes the swelling last longer, up to 2 or 3 days.

Although it is more rare, there are also people in whom the swelling can improve and worsen again after 2 days of the bite, remaining for up to 7 days. In these situations, in addition to the application of the cold compress, you can also keep the site of the bite higher, especially while sleeping, to speed recovery.

What are the symptoms of wasp bite

The symptoms presented after a wasp bite can vary according to the sensitivity of each person, but the most common are usually:

  • Severe pain at the bite; Swelling and redness; Burning sensation in the bite; Difficulty moving the bite.

Although the wasp bite causes symptoms that are not dangerous to health, there are people who are more sensitive to its poison. In these cases, a more severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylactic reaction, can be identified through symptoms such as itchiness in the area, swelling of the lips and face, feeling of a ball in the throat or difficulty breathing. In these situations, one should immediately go to the hospital or call for medical help to start treatment with corticosteroids and antiallergic agents.

Learn more about how to identify an anaphylactic reaction and how it is treated.

When to go to the hospital

In most cases, wasp bite can be treated at home, without major complications. However, it is important to go to the hospital when:

  • Swelling takes more than 1 week to disappear; Symptoms get worse over time; There is a lot of difficulty in moving the bite site; Swelling of the face or difficulty breathing occurs.

Usually, in these cases it is necessary to start treatment with drugs directly in the vein, such as antihistamines, corticosteroids or antibiotics, for example.

Wasp bite: what to do, how long it lasts and what symptoms