Home Bulls Pirantel (ascarical)

Pirantel (ascarical)


Ascarical is a remedy that contains Pyrantel pamoate, a vermifuge substance that can paralyze some intestinal worms, such as pinworms or roundworms, allowing them to be easily eliminated in the feces.

This remedy can be purchased at some conventional pharmacies without a prescription, in the form of syrup or chewable tablets. It can also be known under the trade name of Combantrin.

What is it for

This medicine is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by pinworms, roundworms and other intestinal worms, such as Ancylostoma duodenale , Necator americanus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis or T. orientalis.

How to take

Pirantel remedies should only be used with the doctor's guidance, however, the general indications are:

50 mg / ml syrup

  • Children under 12 kg: ½ spoon measured in a single dose; Children 12 to 22 kg: ½ to 1 spoon measured in a single dose; Children aged 23 to 41 kg: 1 to 2 spoons measured in a single dose; Children aged 42 to 75 Kg: 2 to 3 spoons measured in a single dose; Adults over 75 kg: 4 spoons measured in a single dose.

250 mg tablets

  • Children aged 12 to 22 kg: ½ to 1 tablet in a single dose; Children aged 23 to 41 kg: 1 to 2 tablets in a single dose; Children aged 42 to 75 kg: 2 to 3 tablets in a single dose; Adults over 75 Kg: 4 tablets in a single dose.

Possible side effects

Some of the most common side effects include poor appetite, cramps and abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness or headache.

Who should not take

This remedy is contraindicated for children under 2 years old and people with allergies to any of the components of the formula. In addition, pregnant or breastfeeding women should only use Pirantel with the indication of the obstetrician.

Pirantel (ascarical)