Home Bulls Types of lung diseases and how treatment is done

Types of lung diseases and how treatment is done


Lung diseases correspond to diseases in which the lungs are compromised due to the presence of microorganisms or foreign substances to the body, for example, leading to the appearance of cough, fever and shortness of breath.

The treatment of pneumopathy is done according to the cause, and it can be done with the use of antibiotics, antiparasitic drugs or corticosteroids according to the medical recommendation.

Types of pneumopathy

Lung diseases can be classified into several types according to their cause into:

  • Interstitial lung disease, in which the deepest region of the lung is affected, the interstitial tissue. Examples of interstitial lung diseases are alveolitis and pulmonary fibrosis. Understand what pulmonary fibrosis is and how treatment is done; Infectious pneumopathy, the cause of pneumopathy is infection by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Taenia solium and Ancylostoma sp ., Since during their infectious cycle they can leave the intestine and, through the bloodstream, deposit in the lungs, leading to the involvement of this organ, being called parasitic pneumopathy. The main example of pneumopathy caused by an infectious agent is pneumonia, which corresponds to the involvement of the lungs by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae , mainly. Know the symptoms of pneumonia; Chronic pneumopathy, which is the type of pneumopathy whose symptoms last for more than 3 months even with the correct treatment, with no cure in some cases, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD. See what it is and how to identify COPD; Occupational pneumopathy, which corresponds to the involvement of the lung due to work situations, which can happen when the worker does not respect the safety measures related to the performance of the activity. Pneumopathy related to work activity is called Pneumoconiosis. Find out what types of pneumoconiosis are and how to avoid them.

The diagnosis of lung diseases can be made by a general practitioner or pulmonologist through the evaluation of symptoms and the result of chest X-ray examination, in which areas in which the lung is affected can be seen.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of pneumopathy vary according to the cause, but usually include a high fever, cough, chest pain, shortness of breath and increased heart rate.

It is important that the doctor evaluates the symptoms so that he can be aware of the severity and, thus, establish the best treatment.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for pneumopathy varies according to the lung disease that the individual has, but it can be done through the use of antibiotic, antifungal or antiparasitic drugs, in the case of infectious pneumopathy, for example. Corticosteroids may also be recommended to relieve symptoms and reduce inflammation of the lungs. All medications must be used according to medical advice.

In more severe cases of lung disease, the person may be hospitalized in addition to oxygen therapy.

Types of lung diseases and how treatment is done