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Ointment for diaper rash


Ointment for diaper rash such as Hipoglós, for example, is used in the treatment of diaper rash, as it promotes healing of the skin that is red, hot, painful or with bubbles, usually due to the prolonged contact of the baby's skin with urine and feces.

Other ointments for infant rash include:

  • Dermodex; Bepantol which is widely used in strong rash; Hypodermis; Weleda babycreme calendula; Nystatin + zinc oxide from Medley laboratory; Desitin which is a rash ointment imported from the USA; A + D Zinc Oxide Cream which is an ointment for rash American; Balmex which is another ointment imported from the United States.

These ointments should only be used when the baby or newborn has a diaper rash. To learn how to identify the baby's diaper rash and other ways to treat it see: How to care for the baby's diaper rash.

How to pass the ointment for diaper rash

Ointments for roasting should be applied by placing the equivalent of 1 grain of pea on the fingertip and passing over the reddish area, forming a white layer. While the baby still has the diaper rash, you should clean the ointment that was previously placed and replace a little ointment whenever the diaper is changed.

Ointments to prevent diaper rash

Ointments to prevent diaper rash on the baby are different from ointments for diaper rash and should only be used when the baby has no diaper rash, to prevent its appearance.

Some examples of these ointments are the Preventive Diaper Rash Cream from Turma da Xuxinha, the Cream for Diaper Rash from Mustela and the Preventive Rash Cream from Turma da Mônica, which must be applied daily with each diaper change.

In addition to these ointments to prevent diaper rash, the diaper should be changed whenever the baby pees and poops, not letting the skin stay in contact with these substances for more than 10 minutes.

Ointment for diaper rash