Home Bulls Praziquantel (cestox)

Praziquantel (cestox)


Praziquantel is an antiparasitic remedy widely used to treat worms, especially teniasis and hymenolepiasis.

Praziquantel can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Cestox or Cisticid, for example, in the form of tablets with 150 mg tablets.

Praziquantel Price

The price of Praziquantel is approximately 50 reais, however it can vary according to the commercial name.

Praziquantel indications

Praziquantel is indicated for the treatment of infections caused by Taenia solium , Taenia saginata and Hymenolepis nana . In addition, it can also be used to treat cestoidiasis caused by Hymenolepis diminuta , Diphyllobothrium latum and Diphyllobothrium pacificum .

How to use Praziquantel

The use of Praziquantel varies according to age and the problem to be treated, and the general guidelines include:

  • Teniasis
Age and weight Dose
Children up to 19 kg 1 tablet of 150 mg
Children between 20 and 40 kg 2 tablets of 150 mg
Children over 40 kg 4 tablets of 150 mg
Adults 4 tablets of 150 mg
  • Hymenolepiasis
Age and weight Dose
Children up to 19 kg 2 150 mg tablet
Children between 20 and 40 kg 4 tablets of 150 mg
Children over 40 kg 8 tablets of 150 mg
Adults 8 tablets of 150 mg

Side effects of Praziquantel

The main side effects of Praziquantel include abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches and increased sweat production.

Contraindications for Praziquantel

Praziquantel is contraindicated for patients with ocular cysticercosis or hypersensitivity to Praziquantel or any other component of the formula.

Praziquantel (cestox)