Home Pregnancy Third trimester: 7 exams to be done at this stage

Third trimester: 7 exams to be done at this stage


The third trimester exams, which comprise the 27th week of gestation until birth, are used to check the baby's development and to make sure that there are no problems during delivery.

In this final stage of pregnancy, in addition to the exams, the parents must also prepare for childbirth and, therefore, they must start to buy all the items that will be needed for the first weeks, as well as take a preparation course for childbirth., in order to know how to act when the water bag explodes and also learn to do the first care for the baby.

At the end of the pregnancy, from the 32nd week of gestation, the suitcase with the trousseau of the mother and the baby must be ready, at the door of the house or in the trunk of the car, for an eventual need. See what the trousseau suitcase should count.

Tests that should be performed in the third trimester of pregnancy include:

1. Fetal ultrasound

  • When to do it: it can be done at any time during pregnancy and more than once.

Ultrasound is one of the most common tests performed during pregnancy, as it allows you to assess the baby's development inside the uterus, as well as to see if there are any problems with the placenta. In addition, this test also helps to more accurately predict the likely date of delivery.

While in some women, this test can be done only once, in others, it can be repeated regularly, especially if there is a special situation such as multiple pregnancy or vaginal bleeding at some point in the pregnancy.

2. Research for streptococcus B bacteria

  • When to do it: usually between 35 and 37 weeks pregnant.

The streptococcus B bacterium is quite common in the reproductive tract and generally does not cause any type of problem or symptom in women. However, when this bacteria comes into contact with the baby during delivery, it can cause serious infections such as meningitis, pneumonia or even an infection of the entire body.

Therefore, to avoid this type of complications, the obstetrician usually makes a test in which she swabs the woman's genital region, which is then analyzed in the laboratory to identify if there are bacteria of the type B streptococcus . If the result is positive, usually the pregnant woman needs to take antibiotics during delivery to decrease the risk of passing the bacteria to the baby.

3. Biophysical profile of the baby

  • When to do it: it is common after the 28th week of pregnancy.

This test allows to assess the baby's movements, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. Thus, if any of these values ​​is wrong, it may mean that the baby is experiencing a problem and may need to have an early delivery.

4. Fetal heart rate monitoring

  • When to do it: can be done anytime after 20 weeks.

This test assesses the baby's heart rate in the womb and helps to identify if there is a problem with its development. This type of monitoring is also done during delivery to ensure that everything is going well, and can also be done several times after the 20th week of pregnancy.

5. Cardiotocography

  • When to do it: after 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Cardiotocography is done to assess the baby's heartbeat and movements and, for this, the doctor places a sensor in the mother's belly that captures all sounds. This exam takes between 20 and 30 minutes and can be done several times after 32 weeks, being recommended to do it once a month in cases of high-risk pregnancies.

6. Blood pressure assessment of pregnant women

  • When to do it: in all consultations.

The assessment of blood pressure is very important in prenatal consultations as it helps to keep blood pressure well monitored, preventing the onset of pre-eclampsia. Generally, when the pressure is very high the pregnant woman must make changes to her diet and exercise regularly. However, if that is not enough, the doctor may advise you to use some medications.

Better understand what preeclampsia is and how treatment is done.

7. Stress test during contraction

  • When to do it: it is not done in all cases, being decided by the doctor.

This exam is very similar to cardiotocography, as it also evaluates the baby's heartbeat, however, it does this assessment while a contraction occurs. This contraction is usually caused by the doctor by injecting oxytocin directly into the blood.

This test also helps to assess the health of the placenta, as during a contraction the placenta must be able to maintain the correct blood flow, maintaining the baby's heart rate. If this does not happen, the baby's heartbeat slows down and, therefore, the baby may not be able to withstand the stress of labor and it may be necessary to have a cesarean section.

In addition to these tests, the doctor may order others, depending on the health history of the pregnant women and the development of diseases during pregnancy, especially to detect sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, which can cause problems such as premature birth and reduced development of the fetus. See what are the 7 most common STDs in pregnancy.

Third trimester: 7 exams to be done at this stage