Home Bulls What is the color and appearance of a healthy tongue

What is the color and appearance of a healthy tongue


The tongue can be a good indicator of the person's health status. Generally, a healthy tongue has a pink, smooth, consistent and homogeneous appearance, however, in some cases, it can undergo changes, which can be caused by poor hygiene, insufficiency of some vitamin or even by some disease.

In order to keep the tongue healthy and to prevent the appearance of diseases, it is very important to maintain a good hygiene of the tongue with the help of a brush or tongue scraper. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to possible changes that may arise, in order to act as soon as possible.

What a healthy tongue looks like

A healthy tongue must be clean, pink, smooth, consistent and homogeneous. Sometimes it can be whitish due to the accumulation of dead cells, food or bacteria, but in these cases, just clean it with a toothbrush or a tongue scraper, for it to be clean and look healthy again..

Language changes that may indicate disease

Some changes in the tongue can indicate illness, emotional problems or even lack of vitamins, so the tongue can be a good indicator of health.

If swelling, changes in volume, color, appearance, burning or changes in shape or contour are observed, it may mean that the person has a disease, such as anemia, thrush, allergic reactions, diabetes, hypothyroidism or sleep apnea, for example. Although it is more rare, some language changes can also occur in people with cancer or AIDS.

1. White plaques on the back of the tongue

The appearance of white plaques on the back of the tongue can be a sign of insufficient hygiene, which can result in bad breath.

In addition, the presence of white plaques may also indicate a fungal infection, also known as thrush or oral candidiasis, which can be easily treated with antifungals. Learn how to identify and treat oral candidiasis.

In some cases, the whitish tongue can also be a sign of a lack of biotin or iron. In these cases, the doctor may recommend supplementation of vitamins and minerals.

2. Swelling

The swollen tongue may be a sign that an injury has occurred, such as a cut or burn, or it may mean that there is a more serious illness at the source, such as an infection, an insufficiency of vitamins or minerals or a problem with the immune system. Find out how the treatment is done in each of these situations.

3. Burning and discomfort

The burning and discomfort of the tongue can be caused by excessive stress and anxiety, due to increased adrenaline, which contributes to the decrease in salivary flow, which can lead to the occurrence of injuries or even opportunistic diseases.

In addition, if the tongue is very red, it may be a sign of a high fever or a lack of vitamins B2, B3 and E.

What is the color and appearance of a healthy tongue