Home Bulls What is the ideal height weight (online calculator)

What is the ideal height weight (online calculator)


Maintaining the ideal weight is important to avoid complications such as obesity and diabetes or even malnutrition, when the individual is very underweight. To calculate the ideal weight you must calculate the Body Mass Index or BMI, which takes into account age, weight and height.

How to calculate the ideal weight

To calculate the ideal adult weight, use our calculator:

To calculate the ideal weight of children and adolescents, use the calculator in the article: How to calculate children's BMI.

How to get to the ideal weight

When the individual is outside his ideal weight value, he should consult a nutritionist to start a diet adapted to his needs, to increase or decrease weight. In addition, you should also consult a physical education teacher to start an appropriate exercise plan.

For those who are under ideal weight and want to put on weight, it is also important to eat foods rich in proteins such as egg, cheese, milk and dairy products, chicken or salmon and to eat every 2 hours to consume more calories. See an example of a diet to increase weight in: Diet to put on weight.

For those who are overweight and want to lose weight, it is essential to increase the consumption of foods such as eggplant, ginger, salmon, and flax seeds, for example, as they speed up the metabolism, helping to lose weight. Check out other examples of foods that help you lose weight in: Foods that help you lose weight.

In addition to the ideal weight, it is also important to know the result of the waist-to-hip ratio to assess the risk of having cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes and heart attack. See how to calculate here.

Child weight chart

The following is the girls' weight chart up to 5 years of age:

Age Weight Age Weight Age Weight
1 month 3.2 Kg - 4.8 Kg 6 months 6.2 Kg - 8.6 Kg 2 years 9.2 Kg - 13 Kg
2 months 4 Kg - 5.8 Kg 8 months 6.4 Kg - 9 Kg 3 years 9.2 Kg - 15 Kg
3 months 4.6 Kg - 6.6 Kg 9 months 6.6 Kg - 9.2 Kg Four years 12.5 Kg - 18.5 Kg
Four months 5.2 Kg - 7.1 Kg 9 - 11 months 6.6 Kg - 9.8 Kg 5 years 14.0 Kg - 21.5 Kg
5 months 5.6 kg - 7.8 kg 1 year 7.2 kg - 10.2 kg ----- -----

Below we indicate the weight table up to 5 years old, for boys:

Age Weight Age Weight Age Pes o
1 month 3.4 Kg - 5 Kg 7 months 6.8 Kg - 9.2 Kg 2 years 9.8 kg - 13.6 kg
2 months 4.4 Kg - 6.2 Kg 8 months 6.8 Kg - 9.6 Kg 3 years 11.5 kg - 16.2 kg
3 months 5 Kg - 7.2 Kg 9 months 7.2 Kg - 9.8 Kg Four years 12.9 kg - 18.7 kg
Four months 5.6 Kg - 7.8 Kg 10 months 7.4 Kg - 10.3 Kg 5 years 11.5 kg - 16.2 kg
5 months 6100 g - 8400 g 11 months 7700 g - 11500 g + 5 years 14.3 kg - 21.1 kg
6 months 6400 g - 8800 g 1 year 7.9 kg - 10.8 kg ----- ------

To weigh yourself correctly and know if you are really at the ideal weight, it is necessary to follow some tips, such as weighing yourself without clothes or always at the same time, for example. Watch the following video and learn how to weigh yourself correctly:

What is the ideal height weight (online calculator)