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When is the fertile period and what are the symptoms


It is possible to know when is the fertile period through the days of menstruation and the symptoms that the woman presents at this stage of the month, such as increased vaginal secretion and libido. The fertile period lasts 6 days and happens every month until menopause, starting 10 to 14 days after the first day of menstruation.

Knowing exactly when is the fertile period is important for those trying to conceive, to know when they should have intimate contact because there is an increased chance of pregnancy.

Women who do not wish to become pregnant should choose a contraceptive method, which does not include only the observation of the fertile period. If you are not trying to get pregnant, see which contraceptive method is right for you.

Symptoms of fertile period

The main symptom of a fertile period is an increase in vaginal discharge, but there are others that arise when the egg is released by the ovary and reaches the fallopian tubes, being ready to be fertilized by the sperm and start the pregnancy. Are they:

  • Transparent vaginal secretion: it is the first sign that ovulation and the fertile period are coming and, in this phase, there is a release of a hormone called estradiol, which produces more liquid than usual, as if it were a lubrication mechanism that helps the entry in the sperm in the vaginal canal. The woman will notice a liquid in the vagina that looks like raw egg white. Acne - pimples: it is one of the signs that is most easily noticed for most women because the skin becomes a little more oily and small pimples and blackheads can appear, even after adolescence. Slight increase in temperature: it occurs because the follicles release the eggs, which increase the amount of a hormone called progesterone, responsible for increasing the temperature by 0.3 to 0.8ÂșC, which can be measured with a thermometer upon waking, without lifting out of bed. Increased libido and appetite: it also occurs by increasing hormone levels, making women feel more attractive and with more sexual desire. Pain in the lower abdomen: at the peak of all these symptoms, some women may experience cramping pains that appear and disappear, which is a concrete indication that they are ovulating. Irritation and emotional instability: some women have an unstable mood and this may indicate symptoms of the fertile period.

When vaginal mucus becomes more fluid and transparent, sperm find it easier to reach the egg. The increase in body temperature occurs due to the effort that the body makes to prepare for fertilization, and the other symptoms make the woman more attractive and more receptive to intimate contact.

Women who are trying to conceive but have difficulty calculating the fertile period or are unable to identify their symptoms, may choose to have an ovulation test that is purchased at the pharmacy. See how it works and how to do the ovulation test.

Fertile Period Calculator

Put your data here and find out what is your most fertile period of the month to get pregnant or prevent pregnancy:

Those who have irregular periods can also calculate the fertile period. Watch in the video how to calculate:

When is the fertile period and what are the symptoms