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7 Benefits of Okra


Okra is a low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable, making it a great option to include in weight loss diets. In addition, okra is also widely used to help control diabetes, as it helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Okra is widely used in typical dishes in Brazil, such as the traditional chicken with okra from Minas Gerais, and its consumption brings benefits such as:

  1. Help to lose weight, by containing few calories and being rich in fibers, which increases the feeling of satiety; Control blood sugar levels, due to its low carbohydrate content and high fiber presence; Improve intestinal transit, due to its high presence of fibers; Help control cholesterol levels, by containing soluble fibers, which reduce the absorption of fats in the intestine; Reduce stress and help you relax, as it is rich in magnesium; Prevent anemia by containing folic acid; Maintain bone health, as it is rich in calcium.

In order to obtain these benefits, okra must be included in the dietary routine, which can be included in soups, stews, juices and salads. See other high-fiber foods that help you lose weight and control diabetes.

Nutritional information

The following table provides nutritional information for 100 g of raw okra.

Raw Okra
Energy 30 kcal
Carbohydrate 6.4 g
Protein 1.9 g
Fat 0.3 g
Fibers 4.6 g
Magnesium 50 mg
Calcium 112 mg
Phosphor 56 mg
Zinc 0.6 mg

Many nutrients are present in okra drool, but it does not always please the palate. To remove it, a tip is to cut the end of the okra and let it soak in water with lemon or vinegar for 30 minutes. Then, wash and dry the okra, and use it as you wish.

How to make Okra without drool

It is normal for okra to create a kind of drool during preparation, and to avoid this problem one must use one of the following strategies:

1. Put olive oil or oil in a non-stick pan and let it warm up a little before adding the washed okra. Stir well until all the droplets are loose and dry. If you can, soak the okra in vinegar with 2 tablespoons of water for about 20 minutes.

2. Wash and dry the okra with a cloth and place it to brown in a pan with oil and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Stir well until all the droplets come out and dry.

3. Wash, dry and cut the okra and put it in the oven for about 15 minutes. The drool will come out and dry with the heat from the oven, and the okra will cook during this time. Then, remove the okra and sauté in garlic and oil, or as you prefer.

Chicken and Okra Recipe


  • 1 whole chicken, with about 1.5 kg200 g of okra2 lemons 1 chopped onion1 chopped tomato5 cloves of garlic 1 chopped pepper 1/4 cup of olive oil 1 teaspoon of cumin powder, black pepper and green scent to taste

Method of preparation:

Season the chicken with onion, garlic, pepper and tomato and reserve. If you want okra without drool, you should soak it in water with the juice of the lemons for about 20 to 30 minutes. Take the chicken to sauté over medium heat and when it is white, add water to cook. Add salt, pepper and green smell to taste to season. Cut the okra into cubes and after 20 minutes of cooking chicken, add them to the pan and cook for another 20 minutes. Remove from heat and serve while still hot. See more recipes for slimming with okra.

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7 Benefits of Okra